Advance on combined toxicity of veterinary antibiotics on ecological environments
摘要: 抗生素是环境中普遍存在的污染物,畜牧水产养殖是其主要来源之一.环境中可能同时存在多种抗生素残留,因此单一药物的毒性评价难以反映抗生素对生态环境的影响,应探究其混合物的毒性效应.本文在总结大量文献的基础上,介绍了兽用抗生素的残留现状,总结了兽用抗生素对生态环境的混合毒性研究进展,讨论了兽用抗生素残留对土壤生物和水生生物的生态毒性效应,最后对兽用抗生素的环境混合毒性研究进行了展望.Abstract: Antibiotics are emerging pollutants that widely occur in the environment, and livestock farm and aquaculture are one of the main genres in the environment. Multiple antibiotic residues may exist in the environment at the same time, so the toxicity evaluation of a single drug can't be used to reflect the actual situation, and the toxic effects of antibiotics mixture should be explored. This paper reviewed the current research progress on the status of veterinary antibiotic residues, and the research progress of mixed toxicity of veterinary antibiotics to the ecological environment was summarized. Furthermore, the ecological toxicity effects of veterinary antibiotics on soil and aquatic organisms were discussed. Finally, the research prospects about the mixed toxicity of veterinary antibiotics to the environment were proposed.
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