The exposure routes, organ damage and related mechanism of the microplastics on the mammal
摘要: 微塑料广泛存在于大气、土壤和水体环境中,其对人体的危害正受到广泛关注.本文阐述了当前对微塑料在哺乳动物的暴露途径、毒性作用和毒性机制的认识.空气-呼吸系统、食物/饮水-消化系统以及洗漱/护肤产品-皮肤等都是目前最常见的微塑料人体暴露途径,其中消化系统暴露是最主要的方式.目前的研究显示肠道、肝脏和肾脏是主要的微塑料富集部位,可引发肠道菌群失调、肠道功能紊乱以及肝脏脂质代谢紊乱,而对其它组织器官和系统如肺部、肾脏、神经系统、生殖系统等产生的毒性效应尚需更多研究的开展.当前研究显示微塑料的毒性机制主要包括氧化应激和炎症反应,深入的分子机制仍需进一步探讨.本文对微塑料毒性研究的综述将有助于系统认识微塑料的健康危害,为进一步开展微塑料的风险评估提供支持.Abstract: Microplastics widely exist in the atmosphere, soil and water environment, causing extensive attention to their adverse effects on human health. We here systematically recapitulated the exposure routes of microplastics for human body and the consequent toxic effects on human organs. The exposure routes include digestive tract, respiratory tract and skin, particularly digestive tract. It has been revealed that intestinal tract, liver and kidney are the main enrichment sites of microplastics, leading to intestinal flora imbalance, intestinal function disorder and liver lipid metabolism disorder. However, the toxic effects on other tissues and systems, such as lung, kidney, nervous system and reproductive system, warrant more studies.The underlying toxic mechanisms of microplastics mainly include oxidative stress and inflammatory response. The current review would help advance the systematical understand on the health hazards of microplastics, and provide support for the risk assessment of microplastics in the future.
Key words:
- Microplastics /
- exposure routes /
- organ damage /
- toxic effects /
- toxic mechanisms
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