我国每年生产抗生素约21万吨,其中10万吨用于畜禽养殖业[1-2]. 畜禽养殖业大量使用抗生素主要用于疾病预防治疗及促生长[3]. 由于抗生素在动物肠道中吸收较差,约有30%—90%抗生素以原药或代谢产物的形式通过排泄排放到环境[4],导致环境中耐药水平提高,严重危害生态环境安全和人类健康[5]. 研究表明,生猪粪便中可检测出多种抗生素,如四环素类、氟喹诺酮类、磺胺类、大环内酯类、林可霉素和杆菌肽等[5-7]. 尽管单一种类抗生素的检测准确度较高,但针对养殖粪污抗生素污染的削减与控制,开展多种抗生素同步检测更为迫切.
猪粪基质复杂,不同抗生素辛醇-水分配系数(Kow值)差异较大,加大了猪粪中多种抗生素同步分析检测的难度. 已有研究中主要针对浓度较高的单一类别抗生素,主要集中在四环素类抗生素[8-11],Pan等[12]建立了同步检测方法,调查了猪场粪污中残留的9种抗生素,磺胺类抗生素、四环素类和泰勒菌素抗生素的含量范围为5.5—36271.1 μg·kg−1;An等[4]用固相萃取-高效液相色谱-串联质谱固相萃取法,用外标法定量测定了猪粪中4种四环素类和4种磺胺类抗生素,发现金霉素残留含量最高为143.97 mg·kg−1. 受复杂基质影响,无论是外标法、内标法定量都具有一定的局限性[13];不同猪粪样品的内标是否会受基质影响尚不清晰[14-15].
Research and application of detection method of simultaneous extraction and detection of 21 common antibiotics from pig manure
摘要: 为实现猪粪中抗生素的有效削减及控制,迫切需要开发快速、同步兽用抗生素的检测分析方法,明确猪粪中多种类抗生素赋存特征。本研究建立并优化了猪粪中21种常见抗生素的同步分析方法。该方法采用甲醇和Na2EDTA-McIlvaine缓冲溶液(1∶1,V/V)提取,提取液经固相萃取净化后高效液相色谱串联质谱检测。猪粪样品中5种四环素类、2种β-内酰胺类、6种大环内酯类、4种磺胺类和4种喹诺酮类抗生素的内标定量回收率29.53%—116.36%,检出限0.90—26 μg·kg−1 DS,定量限2.91—85.20 μg·kg−1 DS,相关系数R2均大于0.997。采用该方法对单个猪场不同畜舍样品加标回收率的单因素方差分析发现,除了四环素-D6(TC-D6)有显著性影响之外,其它内标回收率在不同样品中无显著性影响。分别采集不同地区2个猪场的猪粪样品进行验证分析,发现猪粪样品中单个抗生素含量范围在ND—99.37 mg·kg−1 DS。结果表明,该方法可用于猪粪中多种类抗生素的同步检测。
- 猪粪 /
- 内标法 /
- 兽用抗生素 /
- 高效液相色谱-质谱联用法 /
- 固相萃取
Abstract: In order to achieve effective reduction and control of antibiotics in pig manure, there is an urgent need to develop rapid and simultaneous detection and analysis methods for veterinary antibiotics, and to clarify the characteristics of the occurrence of multiple antibiotics in pig manure. In this study, a simultaneous analytical method was developed and optimized for the determination of 21 common antibiotics in swine manure. The method used methanol and Na2EDTA-McIlvaine buffer solution (1∶1, V/V) for extraction, and the extracts were cleaned up by solid phase extraction and detected by high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. The recoveries of the internal standard quantification of five tetracyclines, two β-lactams, six macrolides, four sulfonamides and four quinolones antibiotics in pig manure samples ranged from 29.53% to 116.36%, the limits of detection (LODs) were 0.90—26 μg·kg−1 DS, and the limits of quantification (LOQs) were 2.91—85.20 μg·kg−1 DS, with the correlation coefficients R2 were greater than 0.997. Using this method to analyze the single-factor analysis of variance for the recovery rates of samples from different houses of a single pig farm, it was found that except for the significant effect of tetracycline-D6 (TC-D6), the recovery rates of other internal standards were not significant in different samples. Pig manure samples from two pig farms in different regions were collected for verification and analysis. It was found that the content of a single antibiotic in the pig manure samples ranged from ND—99.37 mg·kg−1 DS. The results show that this method can be used for simultaneous detection of multiple antibiotics in pig manure. -
表 1 3个猪场猪粪的基本理化参数
Table 1. Characteristics of three samples of manure of three pig farm
参数 Parameter 猪场1 Sample 1 猪场2 Sample 2 猪场3 Sample 3 COD /(g·kg−1) 170 288 96 NH4+-N/ (mg·kg−1) 2770 3947 2280 NO3—N/(mg·kg−1) 1145 2275 535 TOC/ (mg·kg−1) 6045 7528 3288 表 2 目标抗生素的质谱参数
Table 2. Mass spectrometric parameters of target antibiotics
序号 类别
Octanol-water partition coefficient母离子(m/z)
Parent ions子离子(m/z)
Product ions定量离子(m/z)
Quantitive ions碰撞能/eV
Collision energy保留
Retention time1 TCs TC 0.54 445.1 427.3 410.3 6,10 10.8 2 E-TC — 445.8 428.5 411.2 6,10 10.81 3 CTC −0.62 479.3 462.3 444.3 8,12 15.82 4 *DMCTC — 465.3 448 430 6,15 13.44 5 OTC −0.9 461.3 443.3 426.1 5,12 11.58 6 E-OTC — 461.5 443.3 426.1 5,12 11.58 7 *TC-D6 — 451.3 416.2 433.9 12,16 10.7 8 β- lactam PCN −3.29 335 217 91 5,45 21.5 9 CTX 0.64 456 324 167 5,15 12.62 10 MLs SPM −2.04 843.4 174.1 142.1 35,30 17.68 11 NSPM — 699.3 174 142 20,25 17.58 12 CLA 3.16 748.3 158.1 126.9 25,20 24.79 13 TYL 1.63 916.9 145.1 173.8 50,35 24.57 14 TIL 3.8 869.6 696.4 174 40,40 19.96 15 ROX 2.75 837.4 679.3 158.1 15,20 23.65 16 FQs NOR −1.03 320.1 302 276.1 10,15 12.17 17 CIP 0.28 332.1 314.1 288.2 9,12 12.89 18 *CIP-D8 — 340.3 296.3 249.2 12,22 12.84 19 *OFX-D3 — 365.3 321.3 261.2 14,24 11.48 20 OFX −2 362.1 344 318.1 15,15 11.54 21 ERX 0.7 360.1 342.2 316.1 15,15 13.51 22 SAs SMX 0.7 281.1 156 92 10,25 12.17 23 SML 0.54 271 156 92 5,20 9.01 24 SD −0.09 251 156 108 9,17 3.83 25 SMN 0.19 279.1 156 124 10,25 8.91 26 *SMN-13C6 −0.07 285.1 124 186 20,22 8.9 *为DMCTC、TC-D6、CIP-D8、OFX-D3、SMN-13C6-同位素内标(Isotope Internal Standard). 表 3 目标抗生素的线性范围、线性回归方程、检出限、定量限和回收率
Table 3. Linear detection range, linear regression equations, limit of detection, limit of quantity and recoveries for the target antibiotics
类别Category 抗生素Compounds 线性回归方程
Linear regression equation检出限/(μg·kg−1)
Limit of detection定量限/(μg·kg−1)
Limit of quantity回收率/%
Recovery rateRSD/% R2 TCs TC y = 1.2419x − 6.7764 0.90 3.04 110.15 10.46 0.9952 ETC y = 0.9317x + 0.9728 15.00 51.50 94.29 2.79 0.9986 CTC y = 1.1215x − 2.1872 5.97 19.90 93.28 7.26 0.9996 DMCTC y = 1.0674x − 0.3681 4.64 15.46 105.06 1.75 0.9999 OTC y = 1.2335x − 8.288 12.00 39.30 116.36 11.75 0.9954 EOTC y = 1.0522x − 4.3296 6.91 23.05 55.47 3.85 0.9974 TC-D6 y = 1.0666x − 5.5293 2.10 7.03 99.17 8.55 0.9958 β− lactam PCN y = 1.046x − 6.9819 2.90 9.63 29.53 7.61 0.9953 CFX y = 1.0059x − 0.4935 1.93 6.44 87.99 6.94 0.9998 MLs SPM y = 1.0172x − 2.2896 5.40 18.00 80.68 4.23 0.9986 NSPM y = 0.946x + 2.3059 8.40 27.90 84.52 6.10 0.9999 CLA y = 0.9973x + 0.7278 6.00 19.90 113.72 7.85 0.9999 TYL y = 0.9915x + 0.7085 8.67 28.91 83.45 6.72 0.9998 TIL y = 1.0243x − 3.2394 13.00 44.90 105.97 6.89 0.9973 ROX y = 1.0015x − 0.1942 2.00 6.70 89.21 5.23 0.9999 FQs NOR y = 0.8307x + 1.4863 2.00 6.62 63.01 2.53 0.9994 CIP y = 1.0352x + 2.382 2.26 7.55 75.94 8.68 0.9990 CIP-D8 y = 1.0448x − 0.7331 1.96 6.52 70.41 3.65 0.9992 OFX-D3 y = 1.096x − 1.7729 1.60 5.31 85.42 11.20 0.9994 OFX y = 1.0299x − 0.1603 0.90 2.91 114.12 4.10 0.9998 ERX y = 0.8981x − 1.5119 6.90 23.10 86.25 2.73 0.9983 SAs SMX y = 0.9317x + 0.9728 12.00 38.90 51.85 5.14 0.9999 SML y = 0.946x + 2.3059 9.90 33.10 38.34 8.31 0.9984 SD y = 1.0125x − 0.7419 15.00 48.90 76.71 2.79 0.9992 SMN y = 1.0771x + 0.0393 26.00 85.20 67.29 2.15 0.9984 SMN-13C6 y = 24.538x + 289.43 1.80 5.85 75.16 8.55 0.9975 表 4 内标回收率的F检验(F-test)
Table 4. Single factor analysis of variance of internal antibiotics
Internal standard of antibioticsP 1 CIP-D8 0.333164 P>0.05 2 DMCTC 0.083809 P>0.05 3 TC-D6 0.0092 *P<0.05 4 OFX-D3 0.848074 P>0.05 5 SMN-13C6 0.091021 P>0.05 * P<0.05水平差异显著(The differences in levels were significant.). 表 5 不同规模化养猪场猪粪中的抗生素含量(μg·kg−1)
Table 5. Residues of antibiotics in pig manure from different pig farms
Pig farm1猪场3
Pig farm3TC 65.69 751.3 E-TC 149.86 853.42 CTC 60.16 1653.34 OTC 219.35 52057.2 E-OTC 145.71 37013.86 PCN ND ND CTX ND ND SPM ND ND NSPM ND ND CLA 17.38 ND TYL 39.87 117.48 TIL 2055.95 4641.27 ROX ND ND NOR ND ND CIP 121.56 476.23 OFX 16.59 85.97 ERX 3.36 ND SMX 3.86 8.66 SML ND ND SD ND ND SMN 20.04 ND -
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