镉(Cadmium)是自然环境中普遍存在且毒性极强的重金属元素,几乎所有土壤、地表水和植物体内均含有镉元素,镉化学活性强且易于转化,故其一直是国内外土壤重金属污染研究的重点和热点[1]. 镉是贵州省主要环境污染元素之一[2]. 土壤中镉成因复杂、空间差异明显,贵州地表土壤和沉积物中镉的地球化学背景值为0.31×10−6,贵州地表介质具有镉高背景分布特征[3]. 贵州遵义地区是贵州省农业生产的重要基地,遵义地区工业结构主要以资源型和内源型为主,在生产过程中物耗、能耗都较高,污染较严重[4].
大气沉降是地表生态环境中金属元素的主要来源之一[5],是农耕区土壤重金属元素的重要输入途径之一[6-7],也是严重影响农田生态系统循环的重要因子. 工业废气、车辆尾气、化石燃料燃烧等产生大量含镉的有害气体和粉尘,经过降水和自身重力的沉降而进入土壤[8],从而对土壤镉的分布造成影响. 大气沉降一直是环境科学领域众多学者重点关注的研究对象之一[9-13].
大气沉降样品的采集分为主动采样和被动采样. 主动采样技术能够准确获得大气体积,但需要电力设施和现场维护,并不利于在偏远的极地或高山环境中使用;被动采样技术具有不需要电源和操作简单的优势,可以在上述恶劣环境中进行采集[14],因此采用苔藓为监测物质的苔袋法来研究重金属大气干湿沉降、污染物来源、迁移及时空分布等得到了广泛应用[15-17]. 该方法具有以下优点:(1)暴露时间易控制;(2)可以反映出污染物沉积的相对速率;(3)背景浓度明确,不受根系吸收干扰;(4)简便经济、选点灵活,适用于全年监测等[18-23]. 大气沉降镉一般停留在表层土壤[24],其原因和机理有待揭示.
Atmospheric deposition flux of cadmium and distribution characteristics of surface soil in Zunyi, Guizhou
摘要: 利用苔袋法(Moss Bag)研究遵义地区镉大气沉降通量;采集表层土壤样889 个和土壤剖面样20 个检测镉元素含量,并对土壤镉元素进行化学形态分析和吸附热力学实验。结果表明,该区域尺度表层土壤镉含量在0.099—2.656 mg·kg−1,土壤镉元素的块金值与基台值之比在16.54%具有强烈的空间相关性,主变程为0.0488,呈非均匀分布;土壤剖面表现为0—15 cm镉含量最高且镉含量随深度增加而降低;镉元素大气沉降总通量最小值为0.32 µg·m−2·d−1,最大值为14.9 µg·m−2·d−1,高于全国平均值;表层土壤镉化学形态以可交换态和铁锰氧化物结合态为主,可交换态占到土壤镉形态的18%—40%;镉|∆Go|<20 kJ·mol−1表层土壤镉吸附过程属于物理吸附。因此大气沉降与表层土壤接触后发生物理吸附,这一吸附为固液吸附且扩散速度慢,因此大气沉降中的镉一般停留在土壤表层不易向下扩散。实验结果证明该地区镉大气沉降影响耕作层土壤镉含量,为农业生产带来风险,应引起足够的重视。Abstract: Using Moss Bag Method to study stmospheric deposition flux in Zunyi Area. Collect 889 surface soils and 20 soil profiles to detect cadmium content. And conduct chemical species analysis and adsorption thermodynamic experiments on soil cadmium. The results show: The cadmium content in the surface soil is 0.099—2.656 mg·kg−1. The nugget value to the abutment value of soil cadmium ratio is 16.54% and showing soil cadmium has a strong spatial correlation. The main variation range of cadmium in the surface soil is 0.0488, showing a non-uniform distribution. The soil profile shows that the surface layer is higher than the core soil layer and tends to be stable at 40—60 cm. The minimum total flux of atmospheric deposition of cadmium is 0.32 µg·m−2·d−1, the maximum is 14.9 µg·m−2·d−1, which is higher than the national average. The chemical forms of surface soil cadmium are mainly commutative state and iron manganese oxide combined state accounts for 18%—40% of soil cadmium forms. Cadmium|∆Go|<20 kJ·mol−1 thus proves that the adsorption process of surface soil cadmium belongs to physical adsorption. Therefore, physical adsorption occurs after atmospheric deposition and surface soil contact. This adsorption is solid-liquid adsorption and has a slow diffusion rate, cadmium in atmospheric deposition generally stays on the surface of the soil and is not easy to diffuse downward. The experimental results prove that the atmospheric deposition of cadmium in this area affects the cadmium content of the cultivated soil and brings risks to agricultural production, which should be taken seriously.
Key words:
- top soil /
- cadmium /
- sedimentation flux /
- distribution characteristics /
- Guizhou Zunyi
表 1 Tessier法步骤
Table 1. Tessier method steps
步骤Step 实验提取试剂
Experimental extraction reagent实验条件
Experimental conditions土/液Soil/Liquid 1 1 mol·L−1MgCl2(pH=7.0) 25 ℃下振荡1 h 1∶8 2 1 mol·L−1NaAc(HAc调pH=5.0) 25 ℃下振荡5 h 1∶8 3 0.04 mol·L−1 NH2OH·HCl的25% HAc溶液 96 ℃水浴浸提6 h 1∶20
40.01 mol·L−1 HNO3、30% H2O2
3.2 mol·L−1 NH4Ac、20% HNO3溶液85 ℃水浴浸提2 h
85 ℃水浴浸提2 h
25 ℃下振荡30 min1∶8
1∶20表 2 遵义地区表层土壤镉含量的描述统计
Table 2. Descriptive statistics of cadmium content in surface soil in Zunyi area
Number of
of variation峰度Kurtosis 偏度Skewness Cd 889 0.357 0.24 0.344 0.099—2.565 0.67 13.66 3.15 异常值检验后结果统计
Result statistics after outlier test元素
Number of samples平均值
Average value标准差
Standard deviation中位数Median 范围
of variation峰度Kurtosis 偏度Skewness Cd 889 0.356 0.217 0.344 0.099—2.07 0.61 8.66 2.62 表 3 变异函数模型及变异参数
Table 3. Variation function model and variation parameters
Variogram model块金值
Nugget value基台值
Abutment value主变程
Main variable range块金值/基台值/%
Nugget value/abutment valueCd Spherical 0.0274 0.1658 0.0488 16.54 表 4 遵义地区大气总沉降通量统计结果 (µg·m−2·d−1)
Table 4. Statistical results of total atmospheric deposition flux in Zunyi area (µg·m−2·d−1)
采样点Sampling site 1—3月
January —
April —
July —
October —
Standard deviation变异系数
Coefficient of variationS1 10.5 5.7 1.2 12.8 12.8 1.2 5.16 0.68 S2 11.9 5.7 1.2 14.9 14.9 1.2 6.15 0.73 S3 8.7 4.3 0.91 12.8 12.8 0.91 5.18 0.78 S4 5.3 3.3 0.63 7.5 7.5 0.63 2.92 0.70 S5 3.3 0.9 0.32 5.8 5.8 0.32 2.50 0.97 S6 8.9 1.9 0.42 6.7 8.9 0.42 3.98 0.89 S7 10.3 1.1 0.64 8.2 10.3 0.64 4.92 0.97 S8 13.1 1.5 0.26 5.3 13.1 0.26 5.79 1.15 表 5 遵义地区与其他地区镉大气沉降通量(µg·m−2·d−1)
Table 5. Cadmium atmospheric deposition flux in Zunyi area and other areas (µg·m−2·d−1)
表 6 遵义地区镉大气沉降通量(µg·m−2·d−1)
Table 6. The atmospheric dry deposition flux of cadmium in Zunyi area (µg·m−2·d−1)
采样点Sampling site 1—3月
January to March4—6月
April to
July to September10—12月
October to December最大值
Max最小值Minimum 标准差
Standard deviation变异系数
Coefficient of variation干
降S1 6.3 2.10 0.42 8.5 8.5 0.42 3.72 0.86 S2 7.6 2.50 0.51 9.2 9.2 0.51 4.12 0.83 S3 5.2 1.90 0.31 8.1 8.1 0.31 3.47 0.90 S4 3.1 1.20 0.25 5.2 5.2 0.25 2.19 0.90 S5 2.1 0.21 0.12 2.3 2.3 0.12 1.18 1.00 S6 5.7 0.72 0.15 4.2 5.7 0.15 2.69 1.00 S7 6.2 0.43 0.28 4.6 6.2 0.28 2.99 1.04 S8 9.1 0.52 0.11 3.5 9.1 0.11 4.15 1.25 湿
降S1 4.2 3.60 0.78 4.3 4.3 0.78 1.65 0.51 S2 4.3 3.20 0.69 5.7 5.7 0.69 2.12 0.61 S3 3.5 2.40 0.60 4.7 4.7 0.60 1.74 0.62 S4 2.2 2.10 0.38 2.3 2.3 0.38 0.91 0.52 S5 1.2 0.69 0.20 3.5 3.5 0.20 1.46 1.04 S6 3.2 1.20 0.27 2.5 3.2 0.27 1.31 0.74 S7 4.1 0.67 0.36 3.6 4.1 0.36 1.94 0.89 S8 4.0 1.00 0.15 1.8 4.0 0.15 1.65 0.96 表 7 镉在土壤上的吸附热力学参数
Table 7. Adsorptionthermodynamic parameters of Cd in soils ofnineareas
Soil numberKF ∆G0/(kJ·mol−1) ∆H0/
(kJ·(mol·K)−1)288 K 298 K 308 K 288 K 298 K 308 K 1号 63.665 96.472 1326.173 −9.946 −11.321 −18.412 199.991 0.709 2号 34.857 46.602 29.689 −8.503 −9.518 −8.683 −34.404 −0.0835 3号 37.932 53.543 74.542 −8.706 −9.862 −11.041 25.249 0.118 4号 1.866 51.439 46.541 −1.494 −9.763 −9.778 −9.295 0.00157 5号 11.013 17.828 17.997 −5.744 −7.137 −7.401 0.721 0.0264 -
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