柘林水库位于长江中游鄱阳湖流域,是江西省最大的人工湖,通过人工拦截鄱阳湖五大支流之一“修河”形成。流域内有大小支流600余条,坝址以上汇水区域面积9340 m2,湖区水域面积308 km2,总库容79.2×108 m3。柘林水库太阳山库湾位于九江市永修县三溪桥镇黄岭村(E: 115°28′—115°31′, N:29°16′—29°18′),库湾水域总面积约265.33 hm2。目前库湾内有网箱3.1×103个,规格为5 m×5 m,网箱养殖总面积约为7.96 hm2,主要养殖对象有加州鲈(Micropterus salmoides)、长吻鮠(Leiocassis longirostris)、匙吻鲟(Polyodon spathula)、大鳞鲃(Luciobarbus capito)等特色淡水鱼,2018—2019年成鱼年产量在9.0×104—1.1×104 kg。
Influence of cage fish-farming on tempo-spatial distribution of nitrogrn and phosphorus in Zhelin Reservior: A case study of Taiyangshan Bay
摘要: 为探究网箱养殖对柘林水库氮磷营养盐时空分布的影响,以太阳山库湾为例,于2018年10月—2019年7月分别对网箱养殖区、近岸区和对照区的水温(WT)、溶解氧(DO)、电导率(conductivity)、无机氮(DIN)、磷酸盐(
${{\rm{PO}}_4^{3-} }$ -P)等指标监测分析,并对水体的富营养状态进行综合评价。结果显示,太阳山库湾的WT、DO、pH和电导率呈明显季节变化,WT夏季最高,DO春季最高,Conductivity秋季最高,pH春夏高于秋冬,但养殖区与近岸区和对照区无显著差异(P > 0.05)。近岸区和养殖区的DIN显著高于对照区(P < 0.05),除秋季养殖区与对照区显著高于近岸区外(P < 0.05),其他季节养殖区、近岸区和对照区${{\rm{PO}}_4^{3-}} $ -P含量无显著异(P > 0.05)。不同形态的DIN的比例有明显的差异,硝酸盐氮(${{\rm{NO}}_3^{-}} $ -N)占比最大(93.35%),其次为氨氮(${{\rm{NH}}_4^{+}} $ -N)(6.00%),亚硝酸盐氮(${{\rm{NO}}_2^{-}} $ -N)占比最小(0.65%),说明太阳山库湾的氮营养盐达到了热力学平衡状态。太阳山库湾除夏季近岸区为轻度富营养状态外,整体呈中营养状态,表明相较于生活污水无序排放、不规范农业用药和施肥等产生的面源污染,网箱养殖对水环境的富营养化影响较小。此外,太阳山库湾的N/P值整体低于16(Redfield值),表现为潜在氮限制,养殖区的N/P值与对照区差异不显著(P > 0.05),表明现状下的网箱养殖投饵对水体的潜在性营养状态影响并不显著。Abstract: To investigate Influence of cage fish-farming on tempo-spatial distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus in Taiyangshan Bay of Zhelin Resverior, water temperature (WT), dissolved oxygen (DO), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), phosphate (${\rm{PO}}_4^{3-} $ -P) other physical & chemical factors were determined and analyzed in three different sampling area: control area(CS), nearshore area(NS) and fish cage area(FS) with different seasons from October 2018 to July 2019. The concentration and distribution of WT、DO、pH and Conductivity showed obvious seasonal variation and reached their maximum values in summer, spring and autumn, respectively. However, there were no significant difference between FS、NS and CS (P > 0.05). DIN concentration in FS and NS were significant higher than CS (P < 0.05),${\rm{PO}}_4^{3-} $ -P concentration of FS and CS in autumn were significant higher than NS (P < 0.05). DIN was dominated by nitrate nitrogen (${\rm{NO}}_3^{-} $ -N) with percentages of 93.35%, followed by ammonia nitrogen (${\rm{NH}}_4^{+} $ -N) with percentages of 6.00%, and nitrite nitrogen (${\rm{NO}}_2^{-} $ -N) was lowest with percentages of 0.65%, indicating that the thermodynamic equilibrium of N was reached. The trophic level of Taiyangshan Bay was moderate overall except that of nearshore in summer, indicating that compared with non-point source pollution caused by human production activities such as disorderly discharge of domestic sewage, irregular agricultural medicine and fertilization, cage culture had a smaller impact on the eutrophication of the water environment. In addition, The N/P value of Taiyangshan Bay was lower than 16 (Redfield value) as a whole, which mean there was a potential nitrogen limitation. The N/P value of Fish cage area was not significantly different from the control area (P > 0.05), indicating that the impact of cage culture on the potential nutritional status of water was not significant with the current cage culture scale. -
表 1 柘林水库太阳山库湾采样点坐标
Table 1. The Sampling sites coordinate in Taiyangshan Bay of Zhelin Reservior
Sampling area采样点编号
Sampling Number采样点坐标Sampling sites coordinate 纬度(N)Latitude 经度(E)Longitude 近岸区
Nearshore areaNS1 115°30′15.96" 29°17′41.46" NS2 115°28′39.50" 29°18′02.57" 养殖区
Fish cage areaFS1 115°29′59.04" 29°17′11.65" FS2 115°29′52.28" 29°16′48.29" FS3 115°29′20.33" 29°16′54.33" FS4 115°28′58.48" 29°17′26.31" 对照区Control area CS 115°29′04.06" 29°16′06.13" 表 2 柘林水库太阳山库湾水环境因子空间变化特征
Table 2. Spatial variation in enviromental in Taiyangshan Bay of Zhelin Reservior
Sampling area水温/℃
Water Temperature溶解氧/(mg·L−1) DO pH 电导率/(μS·cm−1) Conductivity 对照区(CS) 21.3±7.2 9.43±1.28 8.11±0.85 89.9±6.1 近岸区(NS) 21.2±7.1 10.26±2.47 8.64±0.69 89.4±6.2 养殖区(FS) 21.0±7.6 9.76±1.97 8.54±0.73 90.5±5.8 表 3 柘林水库太阳山库湾无机氮中不同形态氮的占比(%)
Table 3. Seasonal variation of dissolved inoganic nirigen composition in Taiyangshan Bay of Zhelin Reservior
季节Sampling time 氨氮 -N${\rm{NH}}_4^{+} $ 硝酸盐氮 -N${\rm{NO}}_3^{-} $ 亚硝酸盐氮 -N${\rm{NO}}_2^{-} $ 春季 5.57 93.57 0.86 夏季 5.10 94.46 0.43 秋季 11.57 87.53 0.91 冬季 1.75 97.83 0.42 平均值±标准差 6.00±4.08 93.35±4.29 0.65±0.26 -
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