全氟烷基化合物(PFASs)是一类人工合成的、氢原子全部被氟原子取代的烷基化合物。全氟烷基化合物具有优良的热稳定性和化学稳定性,因此被广泛应用于纺织、造纸、皮革制造、农药、医药和消防等工业和民用领域[1-2]根据其末端官能团的不同,PFASs大致可以分为三类:全氟烷基羧酸及其盐(perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids,PFCAs)、全氟烷基磺酸及其盐类(perfluoroalkane sulfonic acids,PFSAs)和氟调醇类(fluorotelomer alcohols,FTOHs)。自1950年投入全球生产和使用以来,PFASs 已在各种环境介质例如大气[3]、土壤、沉积物[4]、表层水[5]、饮用水[6]、野生动物和人体内[7]广泛检出。毒理学和流行病学研究表明PFASs尤其是长链PFASs(碳原子数≥7)具有多种毒性效应,包括高血脂、内分泌干扰效应、肝脏毒性、发育和免疫系统毒性等[8-9]。因此, PFASs 的环境污染对生态系统和人体健康带来极大的威胁。鉴于长链PFASs的危害性,人们对PFASs导致的潜在健康风险的认识不断提高,国内外监管机构及企业均采取一系列措施以减少典型长碳PFASs的环境释放量,基于PFASs的产品特别是PFOA和PFOS的生产和使用已在许多发达国家和发展中国家受到限制或淘汰。2000年美国3M公司开始逐渐淘汰全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)及相关化合物的生产;2006年美国环境保护署(United States Environmental Protection Agency,US EPA)颁布了对全氟辛烷羧酸(PFOA)的管理计划,旨在到2015年结束PFOA的生产和使用[10-11];2009年5月PFOS和全氟辛基磺酰氟(PFOSF)被列入《斯德哥尔摩公约》内的持久性有机污染物(POPs)名单[12];2014年10月,欧盟禁止生产、使用和销售PFOS和PFOA及其盐类化合物[13]。此外,2016年USEPA为饮用水中的PFOS和PFOA确定70 ng·L−1(单独或合并)的健康指南阈值[14]。由于对PFASs产品的强烈市场需要和欧美国家相关条例的颁布,近年短链PFASs生产量逐渐增加以取代传统长链PFASs,因为短链PFASs(碳原子数≤6)相比长链PFASs具有更低的生物累计潜力和更好的环境特性,短链PFASs在环境中的检出率与环境浓度有升高趋势[15-16]。由于PFASs较高的水溶性和难挥发性,水体是其在自然界中存在的主要场所[17]。据报道,食物与饮用水的摄入和灰尘接触是普通人群暴露于PFASs的主要途径[18-19],因此饮用水暴露PFASs是一个值得严肃关注的问题[20- 21]。
Distribution characteristics and health risk assessment of perfluoroalkyl substances in aquatic environment of Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou region in Zhejiang Province
摘要: 为探究浙江杭嘉湖地区全氟烷基化合物(perfluoroalkyl substances,PFASs)的环境污染现状及其可能的居民饮用水暴露风险,通过文献调研方式整理分析了浙江省杭嘉湖地区水环境中PFASs的污染水平分布及特征,并基于美国环保署推荐的场景风险评估模式,用风险商值法对浙江省杭嘉湖地区各年龄组(儿童、青少年、成人)饮用水暴露PFASs的健康风险进行了评估。结果表明,浙江省杭嘉湖地区水环境(地表水和饮用水)中存在广泛的PFASs污染,组成种类表现为PFOA是水环境中的主导污染物,并且地表水中短链PFASs呈逐年增多的态势。地表水中的主要污染物为PFOA和PFHxA,其中城区地表水中∑PFASs浓度(富阳区:26.90—163.20 ng·L−1,杭州市区:36.30—179.30 ng·L−1,海宁:56.70—186.70 ng·L−1)低于该地区钱塘江江水∑PFASs浓度(富阳区:108.60—142.70 ng·L−1,杭州市区:178.90—221.90 ng·L−1,海宁:129.40—325.70 ng·L−1)。钱塘江江水PFASs浓度分布特征表现为自上而下(自桐庐至富阳至杭州至海宁萧山)总体呈现浓度上升趋势。大运河地表水PFASs组成种类与钱塘江相似,主要污染物为PFOA;杭州段∑PFASs浓度范围为103.50—153.50 ng·L−1,嘉兴段∑PFASs浓度范围为51—123.80 ng·L−1。饮用水中∑PFASs浓度范围为12—175.30 ng·L−1,主要污染物为PFOA(9—115 ng·L−1)和PFHxA(1—41.20 ng·L−1),组成种类与地表水PFASs类似。健康风险评估结果显示,饮用水暴露PFASs对杭嘉湖地区(杭州、海宁、德清、绍兴)各年龄组的居民尚未构成健康威胁。Abstract: To investigate the contamination of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and the exposure risk via drinking water to the general population in Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou region of Zhejiang province, the distribution characteristics of PFASs in Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou region were evaluated through a systematic review and analysis of currently available literature. A hazard quotients (HQs) assessment method and the human exposure factors of Chinese general populations were then applied to evaluate the health risk to three age groups (children, teenagers and adults). Results showed that there was ubiquitous contamination of PFASs in the surface water and drinking water in Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou region. The composition of PFASs displayed a trend of increasing concentrations of short-chain PFASs (carbon chain number ≤ 6) though PFOA was still one of the predominant PFASs in the surface water and drinking water. In the surface water PFOA and PFHxA were the two predominant PFASs, but the levels varied with the sites and types of water samples. The concentration of ∑PFASs in the urban surface water (Fuyang District: 26.90—163.20 ng·L−1, Hangzhou urban district: 36.30—179.30 ng·L−1, Haining: 56.70—186.70 ng·L−1) was generally lower than the concentration inthe Qiantang River of the same region (Fuyang District: 108.60—142.70 ng·L−1, Hangzhou urban district: 178.90—221.90 ng·L−1, Haining: 129.40—325.70 ng·L−1). Along the Qiantang River, the concentration of ∑PFASs increased from the upstream to the estuary. In the surface water of the Grand Canal the composition of PFASs was similar to that of the Qiantang River, and the predominant contaminant was PFOA. The concentration of ∑PFASs was 103.50 — 153.50 ng·L−1 in the Hangzhou section of the Grand Canal, and 51—123.80 ng·L−1 in Jiaxing. The concentrations of ∑PFASs in the drinking water ranged from 12 ng·L−1 to 175.30 ng·L−1, where PFOA, PFHxA and PFBA dominated. The PFASs composition in the drinking water was similar to that in the surface water, both of which contained high concentrations of PFOA (9—115 ng·L−1) and PFHxA (1—41.20 ng·L−1), calling for great attention and more studies on these two PFASs. Risk assessment showed that PFASs exposure via drinking water currently posed no health risk to the three age group populations in Hangzhou, Haining, Deqing and Shaoxing areas.
Key words:
- perfluoroalkyl substances /
- Qiantang River /
- Great Canal /
- distribution characteristics /
- drinking water /
- health risk
表 1 浙江杭嘉湖地区和部分长江三角洲其他地区、国外地表水中PFASs的浓度水平
Table 1. Concentrations of PFASs in the surface water in Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou region of Zhejiang Province, other areas in the Yangtze River Delta region and other countries
Sampling site采样时间
Sampling time浓度范围(平均值)/(ng·L-1)
Range of concentration(mean)参考
Ref城区地表水Urban surface water 杭州城区
Hangzhou downtown2013.11 & 2014.5 & 2014.8 PFOA:34.66—77.49(57.60) [28] 2014.2 PFOA:34.98—197.80(133.60) [28] 2014.6 & 2015.4 ∑PFASs:94.30—179.30(122.30) [29] 2015.4 & 2015.6 ∑PFASs:76.30—179.30(121.90);PFHxA:7—62.50;
PFOA:47.80—108.60;PFOS:0.70—3.90[30] 杭州富阳区
Fuyang District,Hangzhou2015.4 & 2015.6 ∑PFASs:26.90—163.20(91);PFHxA:4.30—31.30;
PFOA:15.30—82.10;PFOS:<0.50—5[30] 杭州萧山区
Xiaoshan District,Hangzhou2014.6 & 2015.4 ∑PFASs:87.60—202.70(167.30)PFHxS:<0.50—27; [29] 2015.4 & 2015.6 ∑PFASs:87.50—245.90(178.60);PFHxA:13.20—17.90;
PFOA:55.30—159.80;PFOS:<0.50—2.70[30] 海宁
Hai’ning City2014.6 & 2015.4 ∑PFASs:57.60—186.70(95.90) [29] 2015.4 & 2015.6 ∑PFASs:56.70—186.70(98.11);
PFOA:29.40—108.40;PFOS:<0.50—5.60[30] 嘉兴
Jiaxing City2015.4 PFOA:28.40—33.90;PFPeA:7.58—115 [31] 苏州
Suzhou City2015.4 & 2015.6 ∑PFASs:85—221.50(133.01) [30] 上海
Shanghai City2015.4 & 2015.6 ∑PFASs:96.80—159.70(129.60) [30] 钱塘江地表水Qiantang River surface water 杭州西溪湿地
West Brook Wetland,Hangzhou2014.7(wet season) ∑PFASs:0.98—122(44.97);PFOA:0.59—112(38.80) [32] 2015.1(dry season) ∑PFASs:1.46—699(305.77);PFOA:1.05—538(275) [32] 杭州城区
Hangzhou downtown2015.4 & 2015.6 ∑PFASs:178.90—221.90(201.30);PFHxA:103.90—123.30;
PFOA:45.20—80.90;PFOS:10.80—18.90[30] 杭州市桐庐县
Tonglu county,Hangzhou2015.4 & 2015.6 ∑PFASs:108.30—128.70(116.20);PFHxA:48.40—82.60;
PFOA:28.70—56.10;PFOS:<0.50—13.80[30] 杭州市富阳区
Fuyang District,Hangzhou2015.4 & 2015.6 ∑PFASs:108.60—142.70(121);PFHxA:66.60—75.90;
PFOA:33.30—38.80;PFOS:<0.50—20.60[30] 杭州市萧山区
Xiaoshan District,Hangzhou2014.6 & 2015.4 ∑PFASs:246.30 [29] 海宁
Hai’ning City2014.6 & 2015.4 ∑PFASs:129.40—325.70(200.10); [29] 2015. 4 & 2015.6 ∑PFASs:167.40—322.90(204.50);
PFOA:69.50—166.60;PFOS:<0.50—3.40[30] 湖泊地表水Surface water of Lakes 杭州西湖
West Lake,Hangzhou2015.6 ∑PFASs:94.30—179.30(122.40) [33] 太湖(南)
Tai Lake(South)2015.6 ∑PFASs:59.40—102.80(87.80) [33] 太湖(北)
Tai Lake(North)2015.6 ∑PFASs:84.40—121.10(99.60) [33] 大运河The Grand Canal 杭州段
Grand–Canal Hangzhou2014.6 ∑PFASs:103.20—153.50(126.40) [34] 嘉兴段
Grand–Canal Jiaxing2014.6 ∑PFASs:51—123.80(79.10) [34] 国外天然地表水Natural surface water Abroad 西班牙
Spain(Tagus River)2013.2–2018.8 ∑PFASs: <0.37—47(15±13);PFOA:<0.01—11(3.60±12);
PFOS:<0.01—34[35] 荷兰
Netherlands2016.10 ∑PFASs:36—65;PFHxA:4—6.40;
PFOA:2.80—12;PFOS:2.70—7.10[36] 德国
Germany(Elbe)— ∑PFASs:4.10—249;PFHxA:0.50—5.20;
PFOA:0.78—5.10;PFOS:0.26—3[37] 德国-荷兰
Germany-Netherlands(Rhine)2013.8 ∑PFASs:15.90—111.70; [38] 法国
France2012.4–12 ∑PFASs:<LOD—725;PFHxA:<0.10—86;
Br–PFOS:<0.01—197;L-PFOS:<0.06—173[39] PFOS:9.90—39.70 [40] 日本
Japan2014.8 ∑PFASs:MDL—53.40; PFHxA:37;
PFOA:6.20[41] 表 2 浙江杭嘉湖地区及长江三角洲部分地区饮用水中PFASs的浓度
Table 2. Concentrations of PFASs in the drinking water in Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou region of Zhejiang Province and other areas in the Yangtze River Delta region
采样点Sampling site 采样时间Sampling time 浓度范围(平均值)/ (ng·L−1) Range of concentration(mean) 参考文献Ref 杭州Hangzhou 2015.6 ∑PFASs:12.50—175.30(82.90) [33] 2015.4 & 2015.6 ∑PFASs:12.50—175.30(82.90);PFOA:9—115.40;PFHxA:1—41.20 [30] 2017.7 & 2017.8 PFBA:18.86;PFOA:3.87;PFNA:0.33;PFHxA:0.92 [56] 海宁Hai’ning 2015.4 & 2015.6 ∑PFASs:44.30—65.10(51.40);PFOA:23.40—41.80;PFHxA:7.10—14.30 [30] 2015.6 ∑PFASs:37.50—65.10(47.90) [33] 绍兴Shaoxing 2017.7 & 2017.8 PFBA:81.82;PFOA:0.53;PFNA:0.22;PFHxA:nd [56] 德清Deqing 2017.7 & 2017.8 PFBA:11.30;PFOA:2.00;PFNA:0.28;PFHxA:0.05 [56] 苏州Suzhou 2015.4 & 2015.6 ∑PFASs:11.20—109.90(55.73);PFOA:5.60—18.70(10.78) [30] 上海Shanghai 2015.4 & 2015.6 ∑PFASs:9.50—45.40(22);PFOA:9.50—33.20(18.50) [30] 表 3 中国居民饮水暴露PFASs的风险评估参数
Table 3. Parameters of daily PFASs intake via drinking water in China
Group日均饮水摄入量IR/(L·d−1) 体重BW/ kg P5 P50 P95 儿童Children 0.25 0.75 1.7 16.7 青少年Teenager 0.57 1.2 2.6 42.1 成人Adult 0.64 1.9 5.2 60.6 表 4 杭州、海宁、德清、绍兴地区居民PFASs日均饮水暴露量
Table 4. ADD of children,teenagers and adults in Hangzhou,Haining,Deqing and Shaoxing via drinking water in the intermediate- and high-exposure scenarios
化合物Compounds PFAS日均暴露量/(ng·kg−1·d−1)ADD IES HES 儿童Children 青少年Teenagers 成人Adults 儿童Children 青少年Teenagers 成人Adults PFOA 1.05 0.67 0.73 11.75 7.13 9.90 PFOS 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.35 0.21 0.29 PFBA 0.17 0.11 0.12 8.33 5.05 7.02 PFNA 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.12 0.07 0.10 PFHxA 0.32 0.20 0.22 4.19 2.54 3.54 PFHpA 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.53 0.32 0.45 ∑PFASsa 2.01 1.27 1.40 17.79 10.79 14.99 a. the sum of all PFAS in the samples. -
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