食物链中累积的甲基汞主要来自于环境中广泛分布的厌氧菌所驱动的无机汞甲基化过程[6]。生物膜(biofilm)是水生食物链的重要基础,代表着细菌和古菌在自然环境中的主要生存方式[7],驱动了众多元素的生物地球化学循环过程[8]。在环境汞循环过程中,生物膜参与汞的还原、氧化、甲基化和去甲基化等形态转化过程[9-10]。进入到生物膜中的二价汞可经由微生物的还原作用形成零价汞后扩散、挥发进入周围环境;在Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ND132等微生物的作用下,零价汞也会被氧化为二价汞[11];同时,生物膜是驱动零价、二价无机汞与甲基汞之间相互转化的重要环境介质。由于生物膜是食物链中甲基汞的重要来源,Branfireun等将生物膜添加到了最新总结的淡水生态系统汞的循环模型中[9],但是目前关于生物膜在汞的环境转化过程,特别是甲基化过程中的作用仍缺乏系统认识。
Mercury methylation in environmental biofilms
摘要: 汞是严重危害食品安全及人体健康的全球性重金属污染物,揭示具有强生物毒性的甲基汞的生成和累积机制是汞污染研究领域的热点和难点。生物膜中无机汞的甲基化是环境中甲基汞污染的主要来源和甲基汞进入食物链的起点,但是目前学术界对汞甲基化机制的认知多基于浮游态纯菌实验,无法准确模拟生物膜中汞的甲基化过程。本文从生物膜中汞甲基化的生化分子路径、无机汞的化学形态和甲基化微生物的活性这三个决定汞甲基化过程的关键因素出发,详细阐述了目前生物膜中汞甲基化的研究现状、存在问题以及拟解决问题的技术手段,并对未来在该领域的研究工作进行了展望。生物膜中汞甲基化机制的研究可为深入理解甲基汞的环境累积过程,提高汞污染风险分析的准确性,开发有效的汞污染风险防控技术提供科学依据和数据支撑。Abstract: Mercury is a heavy metal contaminant that endangers food safety and human health globally. Understanding the mechanisms that control the production and accumulation of the potent toxin, methylmercury, has been the research focus of mercury pollution. Methylation of inorganic mercury in biofilms significantly contributes to methylmercury contamination in the natural environment, and serves as the entry point of methylmercury accumulation in the food web. However, current understanding of the mechanisms governing mercury methylation is mainly originated from experiments using planktonic cultures of pure strains, which do not properly simulate mercury methylation processes in biofilms. Here, we synthesized the current understanding and remaining challenges regarding the principal biochemical pathways responsible for mercury methylation, chemical speciation of inorganic mercury and the activity of microorganism in biofilms, the three key factors affecting microbial mercury methylation. Technical approaches for further solving the key questions of mercury methylation in environmental biofilms and future perspectives of this research area were also discussed. Research on mercury methylation in biofilms will help improve the mechanistic understanding of the methylmercury accumulation processes in the environment, and provide insights to accurate risk analysis and effective remediation strategies of mercury pollution.
Key words:
- biofilm /
- mercury methylation /
- biochemical pathway /
- mercury speciation /
- microbial activity
表 1 文献报道的生物膜中汞甲基化速率常数和甲基化效率
Table 1. Mercury methylation rate constant and methylation efficiency in biofilms reported in literature
Biofilm type生物膜载体
Biofilm carrier甲基化速率常数/d− 1
Methylation rate
constant (km)甲基化效率/%
Methylation efficiency
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