大气中悬浮的颗粒物粒径分布范围广,可从3 nm以下到100 μm。其中,100 nm以下的颗粒物通常被称为大气超细颗粒物(UFP)。一方面,UFP粒径小、表面积大,可沉降在呼吸系统深处并对人体健康产生较大危害[1];另一方面,UFP数浓度高,对大气云凝结核数浓度影响显著进而影响着全球气候[2]。UFP数浓度通常主导了大气颗粒物的总数浓度。比如,在北京市城区站点[3-4],UFP质量浓度对大气颗粒物总质量浓度的贡献较小,其数浓度对大气颗粒物总数浓度贡献显著(如图1)。因此,虽然目前广泛研究的大气可悬浮颗粒物(TSP)、PM10、PM2.5中均包含UFP,但对于这些颗粒物的基于质量浓度的认识并不能反映UFP的变化特点。大气UFP包括人为源和天然源排放的一次颗粒物和大气中新粒子生成(new particle formation, NPF)产生的二次颗粒物[5-7]。我国大气污染控制措施不断加严,但对颗粒物的控制主要集中在PM2.5以及颗粒物质量浓度上,对UFP及颗粒物数浓度的关注还相对较少。近年来我国已经把颗粒物数浓度排放限值相继纳入到轻型汽车[8]和重型柴油车[9]等尾气排放标准,国际民航组织等也在推进将颗粒物数浓度纳入航空发动机尾气排放标准[10]。尽管这些排放标准有利于大气一次UFP的控制,由NPF产生的二次UFP的控制却有着较大挑战:例如研究表明尽管北京市大气污染防治取得了非常好的进展,2004到2018年以来NPF发生的频率并没有降低[3, 11]。因此,需要增强对大气UFP的研究和认识。
Research progress on the sources and the chemical composition of ambient ultrafine particles
摘要: 大气超细颗粒物(ultrafine particle, UFP)为粒径小于100 nm的颗粒物,其数浓度主导了大气颗粒物的总数浓度,对人体健康和气候都有显著影响。大气UFP主要来源于污染源烟气和大气中气态前体物的成核和生长。其中,污染源烟气中成核和生长产生的颗粒物排放后构成大气UFP的一次来源,而直接在大气中成核和生长(又称新粒子生成)产生的颗粒物构成大气UFP的二次来源。由于不同来源气态前体物种类的显著差别,所生成UFP的化学组分及其健康和气候效应也会有显著不同。然而,目前对大气UFP的不同来源贡献及其化学组成的相关研究相对较少。本文简要介绍了几种主要污染源排放的一次UFP特征、大气新粒子生成产生的二次UFP特征、以及受多种来源影响的实际大气UFP的化学组分及其来源解析相关研究进展。基于上述分析,建议未来着重开展高时间分辨率和高物种分辨率的大气UFP化学组分观测,加强对大气UFP分子水平上组分及其变化规律的认识。Abstract: The ambient ultrafine particles (UFP) are particles with diameter smaller than 100 nm. Their number concentrations dominate the total ambient particle number concentrations, and have significant effect on human health and the global climate. Ambient UFP are originated from the nucleation and the subsequent growth from the gas precursors either in the plume of the emission sources or in the atmosphere. The UFP formed in the emission plume are referred to as primary UFP. The UFP formed in the atmosphere are referred to as secondary UFP and the whole nucleation and growth process in the atmosphere is called new particle formation (NPF). Due to the different precursors in different emission plumes and in the atmosphere, the chemical composition of the generated UFP and their health and climate effects are very different. However, the source contributions and chemical composition of the ambient UFP are poorly understood. This study briefly summarized the studies on the characteristics of the primary UFP emitted from pollution sources and the secondary UFP generated from NPF events. We also introduced the latest researches on the chemical composition and source apportionment of ambient UFP which involve both primary and secondary UFP. Based on these research progresses, we suggest that ambient UFP measurement with high species-resolution and high time-resolution should be conducted to further understand the molecular level chemical composition and the evolution of ambient UFP.
图 5 美国加州[103]、美国匹兹堡[104]、中国北京[94]等站点基于MOUDI与离线滤膜结合测量的56—100 nm颗粒物在所识别的总组分中的占比
Figure 5. The chemical composition fractions of ultrafine particles among the identified species in different stations in California[103], Pittsburg[104], and Beijing[94]. The ultrafine particle samples were collected on filters at the last stage of MOUDI.
表 1 不同污染源产生颗粒物中主要化学组分及其示踪物
Table 1. The main chemical composition and tracers of particles from different emission sources
Emission sources主要化学组分
Main chemical composition示踪物/特征物质
Tracers机动车尾气[52-56] 黑炭、芳香烃、多环芳烃、烷烃、烯烃、甾烷、藿烷、硝基多环芳烃、含氧多环芳烃、硝酸盐、铵盐、有机胺盐、金属氧化物等 藿烷、甾烷、晕苯、异喹啉、苯并[ghi]吡、类异戊二烯、三环萜烷、Sb、Br、Zn、Ba、Pb、EC等 生物质燃烧[52, 54, 57] 黑炭、烷烃、烯烃、醛酮类、脂肪酸、脂肪醇、甲氧基苯酚、单糖类及其衍生物、固醇、双萜类、三萜类、蜡酯、多环芳烃、硫酸盐、硝酸盐、铵盐、有机铵盐、氯离子、钠离子、钾离子等 左旋葡聚糖、甲氧基苯酚、蜡酯、K、脱氢松香酸、脱氢枞酸、海松酸、惹烯等、二帖化合物、植物甾醇、愈创木酚等 煤炭燃烧[52] 黑炭、烷烃、醛酮类、有机酸、多环芳烃、硫酸盐、铵盐、有机胺盐、氯离子、金属氧化物等 Si, Se, As, Cr, Co, Cu, Al等 食物烹饪[48] 黑炭、饱和脂肪酸、不饱和脂肪酸、二元羧酸、醇酮类、内酯、芳香烃、有机胺、烷烃、固醇、单糖酐、多环芳烃、呋喃酰胺等 油酸、亚油酸、棕榈酸、C4-C8二羧酸、胆固醇等 -
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