目前,生物质应用量后端检测技术亟待解决实时检测、设备昂贵等问题。研究发现中红外激光同位素检测技术可实现快速实时检测稳定碳同位素比值δ13C (13CO2/12CO2)[15-23]。Castrillo等采用近红外激光设备测试CO2气体中的13C/12C同位素比值(δ),设备系统误差为0.5‰ [24]。传统光谱法相对质谱法测量灵敏度较低,但中红外量子级联激光器和腔衰荡光谱法(QCL-CRDS)相结合可以最大程度地提高气体光学检测的灵敏度,是目前最前沿的超低气体浓度检测技术,其具有体积小、操作简单、价格便宜、对环境敏感性低等优势,大大提高了现场布控和在线分析的能力,在生态、油气、环境监测等领域发挥着重要的角色。生物质与煤燃烧释放的CO2中均含有稳定碳同位素13C,生物质燃烧释放CO2气体中所含稳定碳同位素重,而煤燃烧过程中释放的碳同位素轻,可依据各自δ13C值的差异进行煤和生物质掺混比的判定[25-26]。现有碳同位素中红外激光检测设备检测误差仅为±0.025‰,可满足生物质应用量的精确评测需求,同时该检测仪造价较低,可实现对质谱等昂贵设备的替代,但与之相对应的评测方法国内外尚属空白[18, 27-28]。
Monitoring biomass-coal fuel blending ratio by stable carbon-isotope laser detector
摘要: 稳定碳同位素激光技术可用于检测煤和生物质的碳同位素比值δ13C,以确定燃煤耦合生物质的掺烧比,且不受含水量影响。本文通过对煤(山西煤、内蒙古煤、贵州煤)和生物质(玉米秸秆、棉花秸秆、木屑、稻壳)混燃烟气进行稳定碳同位素比值测定,在一定的生物质掺烧比范围(碳量基、热量基)内建立在线分析方法得到拟合线性方程y=ax+b,拟合优度R2>0.99。所得分析方法可用于在线监测生物质掺烧比变化情况,当生物质掺烧比为20%时,误差分析控制在0.5%—2.0%以内。此外,该检测-分析方法能够实时、准确地监测生物质掺烧比,可为国家针对生物质使用量补贴政策的制定和实施提供技术支撑;同时可用于追踪“碳溯源”,推动碳排放监测和碳交易市场的快速发展。Abstract: The stable carbon isotope laser technology can be used to detect the carbon isotope ratio of coal and biomass (δ13C) to determine the blending ratio of coal-fired coupled biomass, and is not affected by water content. In this paper, the stable carbon isotope ratio was measured in the flue gas of coal (Shanxi coal, Inner Mongolia coal or Guizhou coal) and biomass (cornstalks, cotton stalks, wood chips or rice husks). The online analysis method was established considering a certain range of biomass blend ratio (carbon-based and calorific value-based) to get the fitted linear equation y = ax + b, and the goodness-of-fit (R2) exceeded 0.99. The obtained analysis method can be used to on-line monitor the change of the biomass content in the blend. When the biomass blending ratio is 20%, the analysis error is controlled within 0.5%—2.0%. In addition, this detection-analysis method can real-time monitor the biomass blending ratio accurately, which provides technical support for the development and implementation of the national subsidy policy for biomass usage and promotes the rapid development of carbon emission monitoring and the carbon trading market.
表 1 煤和生物质工业分析、元素分析和热值测定
Table 1. Industrial analysis, element analysis, and calorific value determination of coal and biomass
Inner Mongolia coal贵州煤
Guizhou coal山西煤
Shanxi coal玉米秸秆
Rice husks棉花秸秆
Cotton stalks木屑
Wood chips水分Mad/% 6.83 4.77 5.58 7.59 6.54 7.77 7.01 灰分Aad/% 2.07 11.81 3.76 7.76 12.74 2.50 1.9 挥发分Vad/% 30.00 30.52 28.90 67.53 62.90 70.86 76.33 固定碳FCad/% 61.10 52.90 61.76 17.12 17.83 18.88 14.76 碳Cad/% 73.56 66.23 73.85 41.24 40.39 44.77 45.47 氢Ht,ad% 4.91 4.16 4.60 6.13 5.61 6.30 6.43 氮Nad/% 0.98 0.91 1.08 1.49 0.49 1.18 0.40 全硫St,ad/% 0.59 0.21 0.20 0.21 0.11 0.14 0.08 氧Oad/% 11.82 12.44 11.55 36.43 34.86 38.21 39.49 空干基低位发热量Qnet,ad/(J·g−1) 27060 24030 26400 15030 14660 16140 16580 空干基高位发热量Qgr,ad/(J·g−1) 28080 24890 27350 16290 15810 17440 17900 干基高位发热量Qgr,d/(J·g−1) 30130 26130 28960 17630 16920 18910 19250 注:本文发热量矫正使用的为空干基低位发热量.
Note: Low calorific value at air-dry basis was used in the calorific value correction in this study.表 2 纯燃料样品的碳同位素比值(δ13C)
Table 2. The 13C proportion (δ13C) in pure coal and biomass samples
Shanxi coal贵州煤
Guizhou coal内蒙古煤
Inner Mongolia coal玉米秸秆
Cotton stalks木屑
Wood chips稻壳
Rice husksδ13C −20.61 −21.01 −21.91 −11.91 −26.09 −26.99 −27.02 表 3 燃料样品不同含水量的δ13C值
Table 3. The δ13C values of fuel samples with different water contents
δ13C value山西煤 0.50 0 20 -20.60 山西煤 0.50 0 50 -20.61 贵州煤 0.50 0 20 -21.02 贵州煤 0.50 0 50 -21.01 内蒙古煤 0.50 0 20 -21.91 内蒙古煤 0.50 0 50 -21.92 玉米秸秆 0 0.50 20 -11.90 玉米秸秆 0 0.50 50 -11.92 木屑 0 0.50 20 -26.98 木屑 0 0.50 50 -26.97 棉花秸秆 0 0.50 20 -26.08 棉花秸秆 0 0.50 50 -26.09 稻壳 0 0.50 20 -27.01 稻壳 0 0.50 50 -27.02 -
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