精神活性物质被人体使用后会以母体化合物或其代谢物的形式随尿液排出体外,经下水管道流入城市污水管网,进而进入污水处理厂(WWTPs)[7]。世界各地已经报道了多起WWTPs精神活性物质赋存事件。Huerta-Fontela等在西班牙42个东北WWTPs进水测得了中位浓度为200 ng·L−1的可卡因(COC)、1100 ng·L−1的苯甲酰爱康宁(BE)和29 ng·L−1的氯胺酮(KET)[8];Du等在马来西亚吉隆坡的一个WWTP进水中检测到中位浓度为956 ng·L−1的冰毒(METH)、936 ng·L−1的摇头丸(MDMA)、284 ng·L−1的KET、94 ng·L−1的去甲氯胺酮(NK)、16 ng·L−1的BE[9]。由此可知,世界各地的WWTPs进水中检测到的COC、BE、METH、MDMA、KET浓度普遍较高。
虽然经WWTPs处理后排放到水环境中的浓度较低(ng·L−1),但是精神活性物质具有生物活性,可能会影响水生生物的内分泌系统,具有生态风险[10-11]。所以长期低浓度精神活性物质暴露对水生生态环境的影响不容小觑。Fraz等发现,暴露于10 μg·L−1卡马西平6周的成年斑马鱼生殖输出减少,攻击行为和精子的形态都会受到影响,且影响会持续到未被暴露的后4代[12]。Sivalingam等发现了吗啡(MOR)可以作用于斑马鱼大脑部位,这意味着MOR可能会对斑马鱼包括认知、厌恶的大脑功能有影响[13]。Johnson等发现,大部分抗抑郁药物长期低浓度暴露会对水生生物产生抑制生长等亚致死效应[14]。另外,水体中精神活性物质也可能通过食物链对人类健康产生影响[15]。Moratalla等发现,METH和MDMA可能会在调节运动和优越脑功能的大脑区域产生毒性作用,威胁人体健康[16]。
Estimation of the consumption of psychoactive substances in the service areas of 12 wastewater treatment plants in a city of Guangxi, China using wastewater-based epidemiology
摘要: 精神活性物质滥用和使用量逐年递增正成为社会稳定、环境健康新的关注点。准确地估算某一地区这类化合物的消耗总量是管理这类物质的关键。本研究对中国广西某市12个污水处理厂(wastewater treatment plants,WWTPs)服务区域中的8种精神活性物质消耗量进行了调查。首先,采用固相萃取-液相色谱-串联质谱法测定了广西某市12个WWTPs进水中8种精神活性物质的浓度,检测到在<方法检测(method detection limit,MDL)至170.9 ng·L−1范围内的5种精神活性物质。然后,依据污水流行病学(wastewater-based epidemiology,WBE)进行消耗量反算。结果表明,氯胺酮(ketamine,KET)、吗啡(morphine,MOR)、冰毒(methamphetamine,METH)、摇头丸(3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine,MDMA)是主要检出的精神活性物质,平均消耗量分别为682.4、167.8、44.6、11.3 mg·d−1·1000inh−1;而可卡因(cocaine,COC)、苯甲酰爱康宁(benzoylecgonine,BE)、甲卡西酮(methcathinone,MC)没有被检出。对WWTPs进水中精神活性物质的残留进行分析,估算这些物质在特定区域的消耗量,为防控风险提供支持。Abstract: The abuse of psychoactive substances is increasing in the last few years, which has became a new concern for social stability and human health.How to accurately estimate the total amount of psychoactive substances used in a certain area is the key point for the management of these substances.This study investigated the consumption of 8 psychoactive substances in the service areas of 12 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in a city of Guangxi, China.Firstly, the solid phase extraction-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry was used to determine the concentrations of 8 psychoactive substances in the influent of 12 WWTPs in a city of Guangxi, and 5 psychoactive substances were detected, with the concentrations ranging from <method detection limit (MDL) to 170.91 ng·L−1.Then, back calculation of consumption was conducted, according to the wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE).The results showed that ketamine (KET), morphine (MOR), methamphetamine (METH), and ecstasy (3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, MDMA) were the main psychoactive substances detected, with the average consumption of 682.4, 167.8, 44.6 and 11.3 mg·d−1·1000inh−1, respectively. However, cocaine (COC), benzoylecgonine (BE), and methcathinone (MC) were not detected at all. The residues of psychoactive substances in WWTPs influent were analyzed to estimate the consumption of these substances in specific areas, which contributes to the control and prevention of these psychoactive substances.
表 1 精神活性物质基本理化性质
Table 1. Basic physicochemical properties of the psychoactive substances
Psychoactive substances结构式
Molecular weightpKa lgKow 备注
RemarksMOR 285.4 8.2 — 麻醉剂 METH 149.3 9. 9 2. 1 非法物质 KET 237.7 7. 5 2.2 非法物质 NK 223.7 — 2.7 KET的代谢物 MC 163.2 8.0 1.9 非法物质 MDMA 193.2 9.9 2.3 非法物质 COC 303.4 8.61 2.3 非法物质 BE 289.3 10.1 −1.3 COC的代谢物 表 2 残留目标物(DTR)的选择及排泄率
Table 2. Selection and consumption of Drug Target Residues (DTR)
表 3 方法检出限、定量限及线性关系
Table 3. Method detection limit, limit of quantitative(LOQ)and linear relationship
Compounds方法检出限/( ng·L−1)
MDL定量限/( ng·L−1)
Linear equation相关系数
R2MOR 0.45 1.5 y=−0.101+2.86x 0.9904 METH 0.30 1.0 y =−0.145+3.02x 0.9935 KET 0.30 1.0 y =−0.0875+1.97x 0.9903 NK 0.15 0.5 y =−0.0119+0.173x 0.9918 MC 0.15 0.5 y =−0.0342+0.820x 0.9911 MDMA 0.15 0.5 y =−0.00856+0.319x 0.9942 COC 0.30 1.0 y =−0.0188+0.501x 0.9931 BE 0.15 0.5 y =−0.0523+2.13x 0.9966 表 4 广西某市12个WWTPs残留目标物平均浓度、浓度范围及检出频率
Table 4. Average concentrations,concentration ranges,and detection frequencies of 12 WWTPs in a city of Guangxi
MOR METH KET NK MDMA 1号厂a 35.5 123.8 41.7 9.8 25.6 2号厂a 4.9 7.2 46.1 7.0 ND 3号厂a 20.7 70.0 51.3 44.5 ND 4号厂a 17.0 57.3 23.0 37.9 ND 5号厂a 4.2 8.9 21.2 NDc ND 6号厂a 7.6 59.6 13.6 ND ND 7号厂a 18.8 14.6 3.9 ND ND 8号厂a 14.4 22.3 11.9 19.1 ND 9号厂a 23.8 12.7 2.8 ND ND 10号厂a 17.6 42.5 26.1 92.8 29.5 11号厂a 11.8 18.0 17.2 30.2 ND 12号厂a 21.2 28.2 8.9 ND ND 检出率 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 44.1% 14.3% 范围b 2.9—55.1 3.8—170.9 1.15—74.0 <MDL—161.68 <MDL—72.4 平均数b 16.5 38.7 22.3 20.1 4.6 中值b 15.7 22.5 18.9 ND ND a1—12厂对应平均浓度;a,b单位为浓度单位,ng·L−1;c ND表示未检测到.
a Average concentration, corresponding to WWTP NO.1—12;a,b Expressed in ng·L−1;c ND means not detected.表 5 国内外WWTPs精神活性物质进水浓度(ng·L−1)
Table 5. Influent concentrations of psychoactive substances in domestic and foreign WWTPs(ng·L−1)
表 6 国内外WWTPs服务区域精神活性物质消耗量(mg·d-1·1000inh-1)
Table 6. Consumption of psychoactive substances in the service area of the domestic and foreign WWTPs
Year本研究 167.8 44.6 682.4 11.3 — — 2019 马来西亚吉隆坡[9] — 481±88 357±64 748±282 — 14±6 2011 英国[24] — 13.3—29.8 — 80.1—392 — 8733—14643 2017 美国西肯塔基州[32] 2380—2610 1240—3090 — 1.72—59 — 434—1970 2017 南非豪登、西开普[33] — 181.9—1184.8 — 2.2—61.6 — 100.6—589.6 2017 土耳其阿达纳[34] — 2 — 87 — 14 2017 克罗地亚萨格勒布[35] — — — 5.1 — 235 2009 -
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