Stabilization of Ni and Cr in contaminated soil by acid-modified palygorskite
摘要: 通过钝化实验与盆栽实验研究酸改性坡缕石对土壤中重金属Ni和Cr的钝化效果及植物富集的影响,结合可迁移性因子、钝化容量和修复效率对钝化效果进行评价。结果表明,10%和12.5%浓度硫酸处理72 h后的坡缕石对土壤中Ni和Cr的钝化效果显著高于原矿和其它酸改性处理,与对照相比,钝化容量分别提高了4.96倍与6.57倍。种植在这两种酸改性坡缕石钝化土壤中的植物内Ni和Cr的富集量显著低于其它钝化处理,富集量降低了79.77%与61.13%。随着酸改性坡缕石添加量的增加,重金属Ni与Cr由酸溶态转化为稳定性较强的可氧化态与残渣态,可迁移性因子整体降低,钝化容量和修复效率提高。酸改性坡缕石添加量为16 g·kg−1时,修复效率和钝化效果显著高于其它处理。 酸改性可显著提高坡缕石对土壤重金属的钝化修复效能,并且,酸改性坡缕石具有规模化应用在土壤重金属污染原位修复工程中的潜力。Abstract: The incubation and pot experiments were conducted to explore the influences of acid-modified palygorskite on stabilization efficiency and accumulation of Cr and Ni in contaminated soil, the stabilization efficiency was evaluated by mobolity fator (MF), stabilization capacity (Cap) and remediation ratio (RR). The results suggested that the stabilization efficiency of palygorskite modified by 10% and 12.5% H2SO4 72 h time of duration were significantly higher than raw mineral and other acid-modified palygorskite for Cr and Ni in soil, and the Cap was increased by 4.96 and 6.57 times, the accumulation content of Ni and Cr in corn planted in soils treated by these two acid-modified palygorskite reduced 79.77% and 61.13%, respectively. More acid-soluble Cr and Ni transformed into more inactive oxidizable and residual speciation with addition of acid-modified palygorskite, and MF decreased, Cap and RR increased. The Cap and RR were significantly higher than other treatments in 16 g·kg−1 additive amount of acid-modified palygorskite. The acid-modified treatment can evidently improve the stabilization function of palygorskite, and the acid-modified palygorskite has the potential for large scale in-situ remediation of soils polluted by heavy metals.
Key words:
- palygorskite /
- Ni /
- Cr /
- stabilization /
- accumulation
表 1 酸改性坡缕石钝化材料
Table 1. The stabilizer of palygorskite acid-modification
TimeH2SO4质量分数 Mass fractions 2.5% 5% 7.5% 10% 12.5% 15% 12 S11 S21 S31 S41 S51 S61 24 S12 S22 S32 S42 S52 S62 36 S13 S23 S33 S43 S53 S63 48 S14 S24 S34 S44 S54 S64 72 S15 S25 S35 S45 S55 S65 96 S16 S26 S36 S46 S56 S66 表 2 不同酸改性坡缕石钝化剂对重金属Ni和Cr的钝化容量(mg·g−1)
Table 2. Stabilization capacity of different acid-modified palygorskite for heavy metals Ni and Cr (mg·g−1)
Heavy metalH2SO4质量分数/%
H2SO4 mass fractions酸处理时间 F 12 h 24 h 36 h 48 h 72 h 96 h Ni CK 1.21Cc 1.24Cb 1.26Da 1.24Eb 1.27Ca 1.26Da 1.87** 2.5 4.10Ac 3.97Bc 3.96Cc 4.34Db 4.61Ba 4.42Bb 1.99** 5 3.99Ab 3.57Bc 4.36Cb 4.64Da 4.75Ba 4.57Ca 6.86** 7.5 4.45Ab 3.74Bc 4.63Cb 4.81Ca 4.21Cb 3.92Bc 9.16** 10 3.92Bd 4.49Bc 4.73Cb 4.49Dc 6.16Aa 3.99Cd 2.57** 12.5 4.23Ad 4.61Bc 6.00Aa 5.89Aa 4.65Bc 5.64Ab 10.32** 15 4.84Ac 5.07Ab 5.61Ba 5.25Bb 5.82Aa 5.54Aa 2.64** F 46.08*** 25.14*** 52.32*** 77.41*** 32.93*** 75.42*** Cr CK 0.56Ea 0.54Eb 0.52Dc 0.51Ec 0.49Ec 0.50Dc 1.41** 2.5 0.79Cb 0.65Db 0.71Bb 1.13Ca 1.35Da 1.16Ca 12.94** 5 0.85Cc 0.67Dd 0.97Bb 1.11Ca 1.40Da 1.10Ca 56.22** 7.5 0.64De 0.92Cd 0.65Ce 1.24Bc 1.83Cc 3.09Aa 33.46** 10 2.96Aa 2.72Ac 2.97Aa 3.00Aa 2.85Bb 2.77Bc 29.57** 12.5 2.07Be 2.37Bd 2.57Ac 2.66Ab 3.22Aa 2.58Bc 2.13*** 15 2.52Ac 2.61Ac 2.85Ab 2.93Ab 2.86Bb 3.03Aa 1.45* F 101.68*** 38.45*** 73.66*** 53.14*** 28.17*** 30.92*** 注:大写字母表示不同酸改性H2SO4质量分数之间的差异性,小写字母表示不同酸改性时间之间的差异性;***表示极显著差异P<0.001,**表示较显著差异0.001<P<0.01,*表示显著差异0.01<P<0.05,以下同. Notes: Capital letters indicate the difference between different acid modified H2SO4 mass fractions, lowercase letters indicate the difference between different acid modification times. *** extremely significant difference P<0.001, ** more significant difference 0.001<P<0.01, * significant difference 0.01<P<0.05. The same below. 表 3 H2SO4质量分数和酸改性时间对玉米幼苗富集Ni和Cr含量影响的方差分析
Table 3. Variance analysis of the influence of H2SO4 fraction and pickling time on the accumulation content of Ni and Cr in corn
Heavy metal因素
Degree of freedomF Ni 酸改性时间 6 40.594** H2SO4质量分数 6 24.776** 酸改性时间×H2SO4质量分数 36 4.984*** Cr 酸改性时间 6 18.649** H2SO4质量分数 6 12.677** 酸改性时间×H2SO4质量分数 36 3.135*** 表 4 不同酸改性坡缕石钝化处理下玉米幼苗富集Ni和Cr含量(mg·kg−1)
Table 4. The accumulation content of Ni and Cr in corn relative to different acid-modified palygorskite (mg·kg−1)
Heavy metalH2SO4质量分数/%
H2SO4 mass fractions12 h 24 h 36 h 48 h 72 h 96 h F Ni CK 261.27Aa 231.14Ab 229.31Ac 233.81Ab 229.22Ac 231.41Ab 3.22** 2.5 116.88 Ba 114.62Bb 113.51 Bb 110.87Be 102.61Bb 107.45Bd 65.21*** 5 111.36 Ba 107.22Bb 110.31 Ba 105.42 Bb 86.87Cc 99.26Cc 1403.37** 7.5 95.16 Ca 88.33 Cb 84.27 Cb 81.32 Cb 73.79 Dc 77.68 Dc 129.62** 10 83.21 Da 79.48 Db 76.81 Db 69.45 Dc 60.12Ed 64.78 Ec 217.40** 12.5 87.16 Da 81.43 Db 79.31 Dc 73.61 Dc 65.24Ec 67.33 Ed 329.91*** 15 98.43 Ea 93.26 Cb 72.55 Dc 70.43 Dc 68.47 Ed 71.40 Dc 11.91*** F 129.60*** 59.65*** 38.92*** 751.94*** 332.14*** 429.71*** Cr CK 246.18Aa 242.31Ab 239.18Ac 242.33Ab 239.72Ac 241.37Ab 7.63** 2.5 158.37 Bb 157.41 Ba 152.31 Bb 151.55 Bb 152.27 Ba 143.18 Bc 75.35** 5 148.34 Ca 145.22 Ca 141.61 Cb 147.25 Ca 137.74 Cc 139.16 Bb 602.94*** 7.5 136.45 Da 134.26 Da 126.64 Db 128.26 Db 115.87 Ec 124.13 Cb 356.26*** 10 129.60 Ea 126.42 Ea 122.27 Db 121.56 Db 102.41 Fd 111.16 Dc 79.60*** 12.5 125.25 Ea 121.22 Ea 114.32 Eb 108.34 Ec 93.17 Fd 106.42 Ec 276.35*** 15 141.22 Ca 120.31 Eb 120.11 Db 115.42 Ec 107.26 Ed 109.46 Ed 127.26*** F 192.02*** 132.91*** 236.04*** 245.36*** 601.85*** 886.70*** 表 5 酸改性坡缕石对土壤Ni和Cr迁移因子和修复效率的影响
Table 5. Effects of acid-modified palygorskite on migration factor and recovery on Ni and Cr
Heavy metal酸改性坡缕石
Stabilization indicator材料添加量 Material addition F 2 g·kg−1 4 g·kg−1 8 g·kg−1 16 g·kg−1 24 g·kg−1
S45MF 53.40±0.11a 52.91±0.06a 48.59±0.02c 44.95±0.03d 51.35±0.05b 6.85*** RRm 37.12±0.19d 39.46±0.14c 42.10±0.20b 44.26±0.11a 39.39±0.17c 21.08***
S55MF 56.17±0.04a 51.69±0.12b 53.04±0.14b 48.02±0.03c 49.78±0.07c 10.28*** RRm 37.12±0.12d 41.57±0.16b 39.29±0.21c 43.51±0.17a 43.08±0.15a 27.32***
S45MF 42.02±0.06a 39.95±0.04b 36.97±0.11c 31.03±0.03d 34.73±0.07c 7.95** RRm 49.18±0.13b 47.76±0.23c 49.97±0.18b 53.30±0.14a 52.27±0.22a 19.95**
S55MF 48.34±0.05a 42.95±0.13b 37.37±0.08c 33.28±0.06d 38.13±0.15c 11.17*** RRm 43.47±0.18d 45.27±0.09c 48.91±0.16b 51.27±0.11a 49.00±0.27b 41.12*** 注:同列不同小写字母表示各处理间存在差异性;***表示极显著差异P<0.001,**表示较显著差异0.001<P<0.01,*表示显著差异0.01<P<0.05. Notes: Significant differences among treatments are indicated by different lowercase letters. *** extremely significant difference P<0.001, ** more significant difference 0.001<P<0.01, * significant difference 0.01<P<0.05. -
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