近年来,我国畜牧业持续稳定发展,规模化、标准化、产业化进程不断加快,而畜禽养殖粪污的污染问题已经成为当前畜牧养殖业急需解决的重点问题. 畜禽养殖过程中会产生大量氨(NH3)与温室气体,其中氧化亚氮(N2O)、二氧化碳(CO2)、甲烷(CH4)已成为引起全球气温变暖的主要温室气体[1-2],所排放的氨可通过大气干、湿沉降回到陆地和水体,造成土壤酸化和水体富营养化[3-4]. 此外,氨还会与空气中某些酸性物质反应形成氯化铵、硫酸铵、硝酸铵等细小颗粒物并危害人类健康[5-6].
粪污露天堆置是养殖场粪污处理过程中的常见手段之一,而堆置过程中不仅会造成营养元素的大量流失[7],还导致大气和土壤污染严重. 降低粪便存储过程中氨与温室气体排放的措施包括调节粪便pH值的酸化法、添加微生物制剂、表面覆盖材料和添加吸附剂等. 研究表明,醋糟、木屑、锯末、稻草、生物炭、聚乙烯膜等物料均可不同程度地降低畜禽粪便的氨排放[8-10]. 例如,作为一种酸性有机物料,醋糟可通过降低禽粪便表层 pH和阻隔气体挥发降低畜禽粪便中的氨挥发[11];生物炭则主要是通过较大的比表面积和多孔结构等特征吸附氮素以降低氮素[12-13]. 此外,添加微生物制剂可以加速有机废弃物中的纤维素、木质素、糖类及粗蛋白分解,提高速效养分含量,减少堆肥时间和堆肥成本,提高堆肥品质并降低土传病害[14-15],而其对粪污存储中氨和各种温室气体排放的影响尚不明晰.
针对我国鸡粪存储环节的氮素损失和温室气体减排措施研究与评估不足等问题[16-18],本研究系统研究了酸性醋糟、生物炭和菌剂对鸡粪进行覆盖(喷施)或混合处理对鸡粪存储过程中氨和不同温室气体排放的影响,揭示了实验材料施用技术对鸡粪存储过程中长生命周期温室气体(long-lived climate pollutants,LLCPs,如N2O、CO2)、短生命周期温室气体(short-lived climate pollutants,SLCPs,如CH4)的权衡(trade-off)及其总排放影响的技术特点,通过与处理鸡粪的生物安全方面的评价相结合,为规模化养鸡场鸡粪绿色管理和循环利用提供重要技术支持.
Impacts of biochar, vinegar residue and microbial inoculant on the physicochemical properties, ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions of stored chicken manure
摘要: 降低畜禽粪便存储过程中氨与温室气体排放是推动养殖业绿色发展的重要环节. 本研究应用动态箱技术探讨了醋糟覆盖(CZ1)、醋糟混合(CZ2)、生物炭覆盖(BC1)、生物炭混合(BC2)、菌剂喷洒(JJ1)和菌剂混合(JJ2)等处理方法对自然堆存鸡粪的发芽指数、氮素气态损失以及长生命周期(N2O)和短生命周期(CH4)温室气体排放的影响. 结果表明:(1)鸡粪存储过程中氮素损失最主要方式是NH3排放(>98.0%),温室气体主要以直接和间接N2O排放为主(>85.0%);(2)与对照相比,添加菌剂使得鸡粪存储中氮素气态损失和温室气体排放分别增加了39.4%—63.3%和19.3%—36.7%,醋糟和生物炭处理的氮素气态损失则分别降低了12.4%—32.2%和31.2%—36.2%,温室气体排放降低了23.0%—35.9%和47.5%—49.9%,但醋糟混合处理有增加CH4排放的风险;(3)与醋糟相比,生物炭覆盖和混合处理均可同步降低长生命周期气体N2O和短生命周期CH4排放;(4)醋糟、生物炭处理均可降低鸡粪EC,并提高鸡粪氨氮含量和种子发芽指数. 综上,与菌剂和醋糟相比,生物炭覆盖或混合均是降低鸡粪存储过程中氨和温室气体排放、提高鸡粪农田施用安全性的有效措施.Abstract: Reducing ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from chicken manure storage is of great importance to promote the green development of livestock industry. This study investigated the impacts of management practices including vinegar residue covering (CZ1), vinegar residue mixing (CZ2), biochar covering (BC1), biochar mixing (BC2), microbial inoculant spraying (JJ1) and microbial inoculants mixing (JJ2) on the germination index, gaseous nitrogen loss and greenhouse gas emissions (including nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4)) of the naturally stacked chicken manure compared to the CK without any control. The results showed that: nitrogen loss of the chicken manure storage was dominated by the NH3 emissions (>98.0%), and the greenhouse gas emissions were dominated by the direct and indirect N2O emissions (>85.0%). Compared to the CK, the application of microbial inoculant enhanced the N losses and greenhouse gas emissions by 39.4%—63.3% and 19.3%—36.7%, respectively. However, the application of vinegar residue and biochar reduced the N losses by 12.4%—32.2% and 31.2%—36.2%, respectively, and reduced the greenhouse gas emissions by 23.0%—35.9% and 47.5%—49.9%, respectively; meanwhile, the risk of enhanced CH4 emission with the vinegar residue addition was noticed. Of the vinegar and biochar application, the latter practice can both reduce long-lived (N2O) and short-lived (CH4) climate pollutants simultaneously. Additionally, applying vinegar residue and biochar improved the quality of chicken manure at the aspects of electrical conductivity, ammonical nitrogen content and germination index. In conclusion, biochar covering or mixing methods are effective measures to reduce NH3 and greenhouse gas emissions from chicken manure storage and can improve the safety of chicken manure utilization in farmland.
Key words:
- chicken manure storage /
- ammonia /
- greenhouse gases /
- biochar /
- vinegar residue.
图 5 不同处理下鸡粪pH值和电导率变化
Figure 5. Changes of pH value and electronic conductivity (EC) of stored chicken manure under different treatments. In the bar chart, small letters indicate the significant difference between treatments at the beginning, and uppercase letters indicate the significant difference between treatments at the end, α=0.052
图 6 不同处理下鸡粪总氮、总氨氮、有机碳和发芽指数的变化
Figure 6. Changes of total nitrogen , total ammonia nitrogen, organic carbon and germination index of stored chicken manure under different treatments. Small letters in bars indicate the significant difference between treatments at the beginning, and uppercase letters indicate the significant difference between treatments at the end, α=0.05
图 8 不同管理技术对鸡粪存储氮损失(N loss)、温室气体排放(GHG_N2O:N2O的CO2-e排放,GHG_CH4:CH4的CO2-e排放,GHG_t:N2O和CH4总和的CO2-e排放)及其种子发芽指数(GI)的综合影响
Figure 8. Comprehensive effects of different management techniques on storage nitrogen loss(N loss), greenhouse gas emissions(GHG_N2O: CO2-e emissions from N2O, GHG_CH4: CO2-e emissions from CH4, GHG_t: CO2-e emissions combined for N2O and CH4)and germination index(GI)of chicken manure
表 1 鸡粪、醋糟、生物炭的基本理化性质
Table 1. Basic physical and chemical properties of chicken manure, vinegar grains and biochar
Tested materialspH 含水率/%
Water content有机碳/%
Organic carbon全氮/%
Total nitrogen鸡粪
Chicken manure8.3 68.6 35.3 2.4 醋糟
Vinegar residue3.6 62.4 34.8 1.2 生物炭
Biochar2.9 4.3 30.9 0.6 表 2 不同处理的物料配比
Table 2. Material ratios of different treatments
Chicken manure and added materials处理方式
Application methodsCK 3.5 kg鸡粪 自然存储 CZ1 3.5 kg鸡粪+0.5 kg醋糟 在鸡粪表面覆盖 CZ2 3.5 kg鸡粪+0.5 kg醋糟 与鸡粪充分混合 BC1 3.5 kg鸡粪+0.5 kg生物炭 与表层鸡粪混合 BC2 3.5 kg鸡粪+0.5 kg生物炭 与鸡粪混合均匀 JJ1 3.5 kg鸡粪+3.5 g菌剂原液 原液稀释40倍,表面喷洒 JJ2 3.5 kg鸡粪+3.5 g菌剂原液 原液稀释40倍,混合均匀 -
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