石油化工行业排放的含挥发性有机污染物 (volatile organic compounds,VOCs) 废气成分较复杂[1],包括醛类、烃类、硫化物等。若不加以处理,不仅会引起城市臭氧、PM2.5等区域大气环境问题,还会威胁人群健康与生态安全。“十四五”规划提出坚持源头防治、综合施策,强化多污染物协同控制和区域协同治理,加快挥发性有机物排放综合整治,氮氧化物和挥发性有机物排放总量分别下降10%以上[2]。因此,VOCs的高效治理已成为研究热点。
VOCs处理技术有氧化催化等化学技术[3]、冷凝吸附等物理技术[4]和生物技术[5]。相较于物理和化学法,生物技术绿色安全、成本低、无二次污染,特别是对低浓度、高通量VOCs废气的去除更加有效[6]。张克萍等[7]在某树脂制造企业废气处理的生物滴滤塔内接种活性污泥和1,2-二氯乙烷降解菌Starkeya sp.T2并运行40 d后,甲缩醛和1,2-二氯乙烷的去除率分别达到77%和82%。受企业生产工艺和污染源排放强度变化的影响,实际排放的废气中污染物的成分和浓度也随之波动,因此,为了保证生物反应器的稳定高效运行,往往需要在反应器内富集多种活性高、耐受强的微生物群体,以应对短时期内的冲击负荷[8]。通过自然生长富集高活性微生物所需时间长、挂膜慢、去除率有限,若通过外部添加高效复合菌剂则可显著提升生物净化设备的整体性能[9],但目前该类研究的工程实践案例较少。
Enhanced treatment of VOCs waste gas of petrochemical sewage treatment station by composite microbial agent
摘要: 针对某石油化工企业污水处理站产生的大气量混合挥发性有机废气 (VOCs) 成分复杂、净化率低的难题,在其原有箱式生物滴滤塔 (BTF) 中投加特异复合微生物菌剂强化混合废气的净化。结果表明:混合废气主要成分为12种C4-C8烷烃类物质和7种苯类污染物;随着环境温度的变化,废气中VOCs总质量浓度为40~150 mg·m−3;投加由6种功能微生物组成的混合菌剂之后,BTF对混合废气中TVOCs去除率提高了180%,为对照组的2.8倍。该项目的成功实施可为微生物复合菌剂的工程应用提供参考。Abstract: In order to address the problem of complex components and insufficient purification for large-volume mixed volatile organic compounds (VOCs) generated by a petrochemical sewage treatment station,, the functional bacterial agents were pertinently added to the original biotricking filter (BTF) to enhance the purification of mixed waste gas. The result indicated that the main components of the mixed exhaust gas were alkane (12 C4~C8) and benzene series (7 aromatic compounds), the concentration of total VOCs (TVOCs) in exhaust gas was fluctuated with the environmental temperature at the range of 40~150 mg·m−3. After adding the mixed bactericide composed with 6 microorganisms, the removal efficiency of TVOCs was increased by 180%, which was 2.8 times that of the control. The successful implementation of this project can provide a reference for the engineering application of microbial compound bactericides.
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