雌激素作为环境中普遍存在的一类典型的内分泌干扰物(EDCs),具有分布广、浓度低、毒性强和风险高等特点[1 ‒ 2]. 该类有害化合物主要来源于污水处理厂和禽畜养殖场,它们在低剂量条件下就会导致水生生物雌性化甚至种群灭绝,已引起世界各国政府和公众的广泛关注[3]. 雌激素可通过粪肥还田、污水灌溉和地表径流等方式进入农业生态系统,其中畜禽粪污释放的雌激素约占总量的90%以上[4]. 中国每年约产生45亿t畜禽粪污,其中雌激素含量高达2.05 × 106 kg,远超美国和欧盟年均排放的畜禽粪污中雌激素(分别为4.9 × 104 kg和3.3 × 104 kg)总和[5]. 当农业生态系统中雌激素的浓度大于环境容量时,会对野生生物和人民健康构成严重危害. 已证实痕量浓度(1.0 ng·L−1)雌激素即可干扰生物体正常的代谢功能、影响有机体生殖发育,甚至导致物种癌变和死亡[6]. 因此,明确环境中雌激素污染现状、转化路径和生态风险极其重要.
目前,科学家已经探讨了沉积物和地表水中雌激素的来源、发生和环境归趋[7 ‒ 9],而关于粪肥源雌激素在农田土壤-作物生态系统内的存在形态、运移规律、降解机制和毒理风险的研究仍较少. 据报道生菜、萝卜和玉米等农产品均受到不同程度的粪肥源雌激素污染,其体内雌激素的残留量达到2.0 μg·kg−1以上[10 ‒ 12],高于联合国粮农组织/世界卫生组织(FAO/WHO)规定的儿童日摄入量最大值(0.5 μg·d−1). 由此可见,农产品中雌激素残留存在严重的膳食风险隐患.
Animal manure derived-estrogens in farmland soil-crop ecosystems: Pollution characteristics, transport regularities, and toxicological risks
摘要: 雌酮(E1)、17β-雌二醇(E2)、雌三醇(E3)、17α-炔雌醇(EE2)和双酚A(BPA)等作为畜禽粪污中雌激素活性较强的环境内分泌干扰物,可在农田土壤-作物系统内输运和累积,并对野生物种的生殖发育、遗传代谢,以及农产品的质量和安全构成巨大威胁. 目前,国际上关于粪肥源雌激素在农田土壤-作物中污染特征、转运规律及毒理风险的报道仍较少. 本文综述了5种代表性粪肥源雌激素在农田生态系统中的污染特征和时空分布规律,归纳了雌激素在农田土壤-作物中的迁移转化、吸收积累和代谢机理,系统地评估了农田生态系统中雌激素生物毒性效应及其风险模型,旨在为规避农田土壤-作物雌激素污染风险、生产绿色农产品和保障人民健康等奠定理论基础.Abstract: In livestock manure, estrogens such as estrone (E1), 17β-estradiol (E2), estriol (E3), 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2), and bisphenol A (BPA), act as a category of representative environmental endocrine disruptors with strong estrogenic activity. These estrogens can be migrated, transported, and accumulated in agroecosystems, which trigger a great threat to the reproductive development and inherited metabolic disorders, as well as the quality safety of agricultural products, thus arousing enormous pollution concerns. At present, there is little information available on the pollution characteristics, transport regularities, and toxicological risks of animal manure derived-estrogens in farmland soil-crop ecosystems. This study overviewed the pollution characteristics and temporal-spatial distribution of the above mentioned 5 kinds of typical manure derived-estrogens in agroecosystems. The uptake, accumulation, and metabolic mechanisms of estrogens in farmland soil-crop ecosystems were also summarized. Subsequently, the biotoxic effects of estrogens and their ecological risk models were systematically evaluated in farmland ecosystems. These findings provide a theoretical foundation for avoiding the estrogen-polluted risks of farmland soil-crop, yielding green agricultural products, and protecting public health.
Key words:
- animal manure /
- agroecological environment /
- estrogen pollution /
- transport pathways /
- health risks.
表 1 畜禽粪污中5种典型雌激素的理化性能
Table 1. The physicochemical properties of 5 representative estrogens in animal manure
Chemical structure分子式
Molecular formula分子量
Molecular weight溶解度/(mg·L−1)Solubility 辛醇水分配系数(lgKow) E1 C18H22O2 270.37 13.0 3.43 E2 C18H24O2 272.38 13.3 3.94 E3 C18H24O3 288.38 13.3 2.81 EE2 C20H24O2 296.40 4.8 4.12 BPA C15H16O2 228.29 120.0 3.32 -
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