Fluorescence analysis of rural domestic wastewater treated by non-reflux A1/O/A2/VFCW device
摘要: 利用三维荧光光谱结合荧光区域积分法(FRI),考察无回流厌氧/好氧/缺氧/垂直潜流人工湿地(NrA1/O/A2/VFCW)处理农村生活污水过程中DOM降解机制.结果表明,原水中DOM主要由酪胺酸类蛋白、色氨酸类蛋白、胡敏酸类物质,以及较低含量的富里酸类物质、溶解性微生物代谢产物构成;总荧光标准体积与TOC、UV254呈正相关(R2=0.93、0.96);在生物-生态耦合法协同作用下,装置有效降解DOM,荧光区域Ⅰ—Ⅴ中的积分标准体积的降解率达到89.0%、77.1%、36.0%、77.5%、59.9%;好氧对生物处理单元DOM的去除贡献最高,荧光区域Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅳ中物质的相对去除率达到34.7%、23.2%、41.2%,对荧光区域Ⅲ和Ⅴ中的腐殖质类物质降解率为-6.5%、9.2%;生态处理单元由于填料络合作用与植物根系的吸收,有效降解可生化性较弱的富里酸、胡敏酸等腐殖质,相对去除率分别为39.9%、55.8%,弥补了生物单元对腐殖质类物质降解的不足.本研究对于生物-生态法处理农村生活污水机制及工艺设计有一定参考价值.Abstract: In this study, the degradation mechanism of DOM in the rural domestic wastewater treated with non-reflux anaerobic-oxic-anoxic-vertical subsurface flow artificial wetland (Nr A1/O/A2/VFCW) was examined by the methods of three-dimensional fluorescence and fluorescence region integration (FRI). Experimented results showed that DOM in the rural domestic wastewater was mainly composed of tyrosine and tryptohan protein, humic acid-like substances, and also contained some low content fulvic acid-like substances and soluble microbial metabolites. The standard volume of total fluorescence integral was positively correlated with TOC and UV254, and the correlation coefficients were 0.93 and 0.96, respectively. DOM was effectively degraded with the treatment process of Nr A1/O/A2/VFCW. The degradations of DOM substances distributed in regions of Ⅰ to Ⅴ were 89.0%, 77.1%, 36.0%, 77.5%, and 59.9%. The degradation ratio of DOM at aerobic unit was the highest. The degradation ratios of DOM substances distributed in regions of Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅴ were 34.7%、23.2% and 41.2%. The degradation ratios of humus substances distributed in fluorescent regions of III and V were -6.5% and 9.2%. Humus substances like fulvic and humic acid were degraded effectively due to the complexation of filling materials and the assimilation of plant roots, and relative degradation ratios were 39.9% and 55.8% for fulvic and humic acid respectively. Therefore, ecological treatment unit can remedy the disadvantage that biological unit could not degrade humus substances completely. This study provides some reference value for designing treatment process and studying mechanism of rural domestic wastewater with bio-ecological method.
Key words:
- 3DEEMs /
- FRI /
- bio-ecological method /
- rural domestic wastewater /
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