Characteristics of sediment endogenous release from tailwater discharge channel in small rural communities
摘要: 随着农村社区不断聚落化,农村生活污水逐步从分散排放转为中小规模集中排放,研究中小规模农村社区的污水排放特征及环境影响是我国农村水污染控制的重要课题之一.本文选取四川绵阳某小型农村社区为研究对象,监测经简易化粪池集中处理后生活污水的NH3-N和COD排放特征,并采用元素分析和内源静态模拟释放实验研究了该社区排水通道中底泥累积与释放污染物的特性.结果表明,该社区集中排放的生活污水水质较差,致使排水河道严重污染,底泥二次污染风险高.该社区集中排放的生活污水中NH3-N浓度范围为2.9—40.3 mg·L-1;COD浓度范围为33—59 mg·L-1.10年的排放使得社区尾水排放通道底泥污染累积明显,TN含量高达1150—4050 mg·kg-1.底泥内源释放风险不可忽略,主要释放污染物为NH3-N,在UP水中最大释放浓度为3.1 mg·L-1,在上覆水中最大释放浓度为5.9 mg·L-1,均高于GB3838—2002(Ⅴ)类地表水标准.因此,NH3-N应作为农村社区生活污水排放标准中的关键控制指标、也应是分散式生活污水处理设施升级的关键控制指标.低成本NH3-N简易去除装置的研究及推广对降低分散式生活污水排放风险具有重要的意义.Abstract: With the continuous settlement of rural communities, rural domestic wastewaters(RDWs)is gradually transferred from scattered discharge to small and medium-sized concentrated discharge. It is one of the important subjects to study the sewage discharge characteristics and environmental impact of small and medium-sized rural communities in China's rural water pollution control. In this paper, a small rural community in Mianyang, Sichuan province was selected as the research object to monitor the NH3-N and COD emission characteristics of RDWs after centralized treatment in a simple septic tank, and to evaluate the pollution of the river sediment discharged by the community's RDWs through element analysis and endogenous static simulated release experiment. The result showed that the sewage discharged by this community was not up to standard for a long time, which causeed serious pollution of drainage channel and high risk of secondary pollution of sediment. The concentration range of NH3-N in the concentrated sewage discharged by this community was 2.9-40.3 mg·L-1. COD concentration ranged from 33-259 mg·L-1. Ten years of discharge has resulted in significant accumulation of sediment pollution in the tail-water discharge channel of the community, with the TN content as high as 1150-4050 mg·kg-1. The risk of endogenous release from bottom sediment should not be ignored. The main pollutant released was NH3-N, and the maximum release concentration in UP water was 3.1 mg·L-1, and the maximum release concentration in overlying water was 5.9 mg·L-1, both higher than the GB3838-2002 (Ⅴ) type surface water standard. Therefore, NH3-N should be regarded as a key control index in the discharge standard of domestic sewage in rural communities and a key control index for the upgrade of decentralized domestic sewage treatment facilities. The research and promotion of low-cost NH3-N simple removal device was of great significance to reduce the risk of decentralized domestic sewage discharge.
Key words:
- small rural community /
- domestic sewage /
- sediment /
- NH3-N /
- endogenous release
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