Alternating current electric field promotes willow plant to remediate cadmium contaminated soil
摘要: 通过土壤盆栽试验的方法,研究在镉污染土壤中施加交流电场(0、0.5、1 V·cm-1)对土壤镉活性、柳树苗期生理生化及Cd吸收与积累的影响.结果表明,施加电场会略微影响土壤的pH值,土壤有效态镉含量随着电场梯度的增加而显著增加,其中1 V·cm-1处理的土壤有效态镉含量较对照提高了29.11%(P<0.05).施加电场有利于柳树苗期的生长,柳树株高、叶面积、生物量随着电压梯度的增加而增加,其中1 V·cm-1处理的柳树株高、叶面积、叶片、枝条生物量分别较对照显著提高了35.49%、22.52%、36.84%、85.00%(P<0.05).施加电场可以有利于根系形态指标的增加,其中0.5 V·cm-1处理的根系长度、表面积、根尖数均达到最高,分别显著高于对照49.96%、76.69%、43.46%(P<0.05).施加电场可促进柳树苗期光合作用,影响叶绿素荧光参数,其中0.5 V·cm-1处理的叶片净光合速率、气孔导度、PSⅡ光合电子传递量子效Υ(Ⅱ)、光化学淬灭系数qP、光合电子传递速率ETR均达到最高,分别较对照显著增加了36.00%、60.00%、22.86%、24.07%、22.35%(P<0.05).施加电场促进了柳树苗期对土壤镉的净化,但不同电压梯度对柳树镉吸收积累的效果不同,0.5 V·cm-1处理可通过生物量的提高,增加柳树对镉的积累,而1 V·cm-1处理通过生物量及促进柳树对土壤镉的吸收,增加柳树对镉的积累.交流电场联合植物修复技术,有利于提高植物对土壤镉的吸收积累,具有良好的应用前景.Abstract: A soil pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of alternating current (AC) electric field(0, 0.5, 1 V·cm-1)on cadmium (Cd) availability of soil and physiology and biochemistry of willow at seedling stage and the Cd absorption and accumulation. The results indicated that application of AC electric field slightly affected the pH value of the soil, but the soil available Cd concentrations increased greatly with increasing the electric field gradient. The available Cd concentration in soil treated with AC electric field of 1 V·cm-1 was 29.11% greater than that of the control (P<0.05). The application of AC electric field was beneficial to willow sapling growth. The plant height, leaf area and biomass of the willow saplings increased with the increase of voltage gradient:they were significantly higher in 1 V·cm-1 treated willow saplings than that of the control 35.49%, 22.52%, 36.84%, 85.00%, respectively (P<0.05). The application of AC electric field was also beneficial to root growth as indicated by root morphology index. The root length, root surface area and root tip number of 0.5 V·cm-1 treated willow saplings were the highest, which were significantly higher than the control 49.96%, 76.69% and 43.46% (P<0.05), respectively. Application of AC electric field also promoted photosynthesis and affected chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of willow saplings. The net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), PSII photosynthetic electron transport quantum effect Υ(Ⅱ), photochemical quenching coefficient qP, photosynthetic electron transfer rate ETR of 0.5 V·cm-1 treated willow saplings were the highest, which were higher than the control 36.00%, 60.00%, 22.86%, 24.07% and 22.35% (P<0.05), respectively. Consequently, the application of AC electric field promoted the cleanup rate of Cd in soil by willow, but different voltage gradients resulted in different efficiency. The 0.5 V·cm-1 treatment increased Cd accumulation of willow by increasing plant biomass, while the 1 V·cm-1 treatment increased the Cd accumulation of willow by increasing plant biomass and promoting Cd uptake by the plants. Therefore, the AC electric field combined with phytoremediation technology improved the absorption and accumulation of Cd in plants, and could have a bright application prospect in practice.
Key words:
- alternating current electric field /
- cadmium /
- willow /
- photosyhthesis /
- soil /
- remediation
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