Photo-electro-Fenton degradation of tetracycline based on rotating disk electrode
摘要: 本实验中,我们开发了一种耦合紫外光催化和转盘技术的电Fenton反应器用于降解含有四环素的有机废水.在该反应器中,O2首先在旋转的石墨阴极表面发生还原反应生成H2O2,随后H2O2被催化分解成活性自由基来降解矿化有机物.实验中了考察了pH,阴极电压,转速等实验条件对系统生成H2O2能力的影响.结果表明,在pH=3,阴极电压-0.8 V vs. SCE,转速为400 r·min-1条件下,经过75 min反应H2O2的积累浓度有最大值(51.5 mg·L-1).实验证明该系统对四环素有较好的降解和矿化效果.以1.0 mmol·L-1的Fe2+作为催化剂,紫外/电Fenton耦合转盘系统可以在45 min内将初始浓度50 mg·L-1四环素降解94.2%且90 min时TOC的去除率为68.2%.紫外/电Fenton处理效果明显优于电Fenton系统.进一步实验分析发现,紫外线的引入可以通过两种途径来提升电Fenton的处理效果.一方面紫外光可以促进Fe3+还原成Fe2+,加速体系铁离子循环,从而提升电Fenton的处理效果;另一方面还可以通过直接激发H2O2分解成活性自由基加速降解四环素.Abstract: In this study, an electro-Fenton reactor coupling ultraviolet light and rotating disk technology was designed for the degradation of wastewater containing tetracycline. In this reactor, H2O2 was generated in situ from the reduction reaction of O2 in the rotating graphite cathode, and then the H2O2 is decomposed into active free radicals to degradation of recalcitrant organic pollutants. The effects of pH, voltage, and rotating speed on hydrogen peroxide generation were investigated, and the maximum concentration of H2O2 reached 51.5 mg·L-1 within 75 min at pH 3, rotation speed of 400 r·min-1 and a potential of-0.8 V vs. SCE. The photo-electro-Fenton system showed excellent ability for degrading organic pollutants compared to the electro-Fenton system. Experimental results showed that 94.2% of tetracycline (50 mg·L-1) was degraded in the photo-electro-Fenton system within 45 min and the TOC removal efficiency is 68.2% in 90 min. Further experiments indicated that the ferric ions are photo-converted to ferrous ions, increasing the hydroxyl radical generation rate. In addition, the direct excitation of hydrogen peroxide into the hydroxyl radical by UV contributed to the removal of tetracycline.
Key words:
- photo-electro-Fenton /
- rotating disk electrode /
- tetracycline /
- iron cycle
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