Effect of zirconium loading on phosphate adsorption onto zirconium/magnesium-modified bentonite
摘要: 制备了锆氧化物(ZrO2)含量分别为2.98%、7.81%、13.73%和33.70%的4种锆镁改性膨润土,并考察了锆负载量对锆镁改性膨润土吸附水中磷酸盐的影响.结果表明,较高的吸附剂投加量有利于水中磷酸盐被锆镁改性膨润土所吸附去除.锆镁改性膨润土吸附水中磷酸盐的动力学过程符合准二级动力学模型.锆镁改性膨润土对水中磷酸盐的吸附等温行为可以采用Langmuir、Freundlich和Dubinin-Redushckevich (D-R)等温吸附模型进行描述.增加溶液pH值不会导致锆镁改性膨润土对水中磷酸盐吸附能力的下降.锆镁改性膨润土对水中磷酸盐的吸附能力随其锆含量的增加而增加.但是,从总体上,锆镁改性膨润土中单位质量ZrO2对水中磷酸盐的最大吸附量则随其锆含量的增加而降低.研究结果说明,锆镁改性膨润土适合作为一种吸附剂去除水中的磷酸盐,较高的锆负载量有利于增强锆镁改性膨润土吸附水中磷酸盐的能力,而较低的锆负载量则有利于提高锆镁改性膨润土中单位质量ZrO2对水中磷酸盐的吸附能力.Abstract: To investigate the influence of zirconium loading on the adsorption of phosphate from aqueous solution on zirconium/magnesium-modified bentonite (ZrMgBT), a series of ZrMgBTs with different levels of zirconium loading were prepared and characterized. Their adsorption properties for phosphate were then comparatively investigated in batch mode in this study. Results showed that high adsorbent dosage was beneficial for the removal of phosphate from water by ZrMgBT. Adsorption kinetics was well fitted by the pseudo-second-order model. The Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin-Redushckevich (D-R) isotherm models could be suitably applied to fit the adsorption equilibrium data of phosphate on ZrMgBT. In general, an increase in solution pH from 4 to 9 did not result in the suppression of phosphate removal by ZrMgBT. The phosphate adsorption capacity and initial adsorption rate for ZrMgBT increased with an increase in its zirconium loading amount. However, the ZrO2 content-normalized Qmax for ZrMgBT generally decreased with an increase in its zirconium loading. Results of this work indicate that ZrMgBT is a very promising adsorbent material for phosphate removal from water. The ZrMgBT with a higher zirconium loading amount exhibits a higher phosphate adsorption capacity, while the decrease in the zirconium loading amount of ZrMgBT can increase the utilization efficiency of ZrO2 for phosphate adsorption.
Key words:
- zirconium loading /
- zirconium/magnesium-modified bentonite /
- adsorption /
- phosphate /
- effect
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