我国铜消费量常年居于世界首位,但国内铜资源相对不足,再生铜成为缓解这一矛盾的有效方式[1-2]。为规范进口再生铜原料的管理,《再生铜原料》(GB/T 38471—2019)在原料类别、表观特征和夹杂物含量比例等方面作了相关描述和限定。与生产等量的原生铜相比,再生铜节约了63%—95%的能源,减少了65%—92%的二氧化碳排放[3]。然而再生铜冶炼过程也可能会产生多氯代二苯并二噁英/呋喃(PCDD/Fs)[4-6],PCDD/Fs对环境和人体健康具有严重的危害[7-9]。再生铜冶炼烟气中产生的PCDD/Fs毒性当量浓度(4.2—38.0 ng·g−1 TEQ)明显高于铜矿冶炼烟气中所产生的PCDD/Fs毒性当量浓度(0.003—1.5 ng·g−1 TEQ)[10],其生成的二噁英浓度高于其他金属冶炼和垃圾焚烧炉所产生的二噁英浓度[11-12],Te等[13]分析了我国30个再生有色金属冶炼厂排放烟气中的二噁英浓度,发现再生铜冶炼烟气中的二噁英浓度最高,有效减少二噁英的产生和排放有助于再生铜冶炼行业的长期发展[14]。二噁英的产生与原料和温度有密切关系[15-16],再生铜原料涂层一般包括油漆、防锈层、绝缘层等,夹杂物一般包括废塑料、废橡胶、金属氧化物、纤维末等,不同工艺及设备的冶炼温度存在差异。结合《再生铜原料》对夹杂物的限定,本文重点研究不同再生铜原料、冶炼温度和夹杂物含量对冶炼烟气中二噁英产生特性的影响,以期为实际再生铜冶炼过程中二噁英的减排提供理论依据和数据支撑。
Formation characteristics of PCDD/Fs in imported secondary copper smelting flue gas
为研究我国进口再生铜冶炼烟气中二噁英(PCDD/Fs)的生成特性,文章采用管式炉模拟进口再生铜冶炼过程,分别分析了再生铜原料、冶炼温度和夹杂物含量对冶炼烟气中PCDD/Fs浓度、同系物浓度分布、毒性当量浓度分布等产生的影响。结果表明,各原料生成的PCDD/Fs浓度为高含量涂层漆包线(345.02 ng·g−1)远大于低含量涂层漆包线(40.18 ng·g−1)、铜加工材(8.13 ng·g−1)和铜米(2.49 ng·g−1),原料预处理可有效减少PCDD/Fs的产生;不同再生铜原料生成PCDD/Fs同系物的分布具有相似性;六氯代二苯并呋喃(HxCDF)和五氯代二苯并呋喃(PeCDF)为二噁英毒性的主要贡献者。当温度从900 ℃升至1100 ℃时,PCDD/Fs浓度和毒性当量(TEQ)分别减少了59.83%和69.88%;升至1300 ℃时,PCDD/Fs浓度和毒性当量减少了11.59%和1.21%,1100 ℃以上高温可有效降低PCDD/Fs浓度和毒性当量;各实验温度下多氯二苯并二噁英类(PCDDs)的生成浓度均在0.29 ng·g−1以下。随着夹杂物比例从0增加到1%,铜加工材冶炼烟气中PCDD/Fs的浓度和毒性当量浓度分别增加了1.15倍和2.4倍;PCDD/Fs同系物主要以八氯代二苯并呋喃(OCDF)与七氯代二苯并呋喃(HpCDF)为主,其浓度之和占比在86.01%以上。本研究为实际再生铜冶炼烟气中二噁英的减排提供理论依据和数据支撑。
Abstract:To further investigate the generation characteristics of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in the smelting exhaust gas generated from the import secondary copper in China, in this paper, a tubular furnace was used to simulate the smelting proess of imported secondary copper. The effect of raw materials of secondary copper, smelting temperature, and inclusion contention the concentation of PCDD/Fs, homologous concentration distribution and the concentration distribution of toxicity equivalency quantity(TEQ) in smelting flue gas were analyzed, respectively. The results showed that the concentration of PCDD/Fs in the smelting flue gas of secondary copper from different raw materials was as follows: high content coated enamelled wire (337.22 ng·g−1) > low content coated enamelled wire (40.18 ng·g−1) > copper processing material (8.13 ng·g−1) > copper rice (2.49 ng·g−1). The pretreatment of the raw material of secondary copper can effectively reduced the generation of PCDD/Fs. The distribution of PCDD/ Fs homologues produced by secondary copper regeneration with different raw materials is similar. The hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) and pentachlorodiphenyl Parafuran (PeCDF) were the major contributions to dioxin toxicity. With the temperature increased from 900°C to 1100°C, PCDD/Fs concentration and the TEQ significantly decreased by 59.83% and 69.88%, respectively. At 1300 ℃, PCDD/Fs concentration and the TEQ decreased by 11.59% and 1.21%, respectively. High temperature above 1100 ℃ could effectively reduce PCDD/ Fs concentration and the TEQ. The concentration of the PCDDs was lower than 0.29 ng·g−1 at all experimental temperatures. With the inclusion ratio increasing from 0 to 1%, the concentration of PCDD/Fs and the TEQ in the smelting flue gas of copper processing materials increased by 1.15 times and 2.4 times, respectively. The octachlorodibenzofuran (OCDF) and heptachlorodibenzofuran (HpCDF) were the main PCDD/Fs homologues, and the total accounts of those homologues was higher than 86.01%. This systematic study provides theoretical basis and data support for the emission reduction of dioxins in the flue gas of the actual secondary copper smelting.
Key words:
- imported secondary copper /
- simulation research /
- PCDD/Fs /
- temperature /
- inclusion
表 1 我国再生铜使用情况及来源
Table 1. Usage and sources of copper waste in China
Material type占比/%
Source or feature铜加工材 72.65 热水器铜管、空调铜管、边角料、导电排等 铜米 12.45 电线电缆破碎后获得 铜线 6.82 电线电缆剥除表面绝缘层或燃烧处理后获得 漆包线 6.52 电机拆解获得,表面有涂层 水洗铜 0.5 紫铜部件经破碎、清洗后获得 铜削 0.16 来源于包覆铜件、电镀铜板、磨削料 铜水箱 0.06 源于汽车水箱、换热器部件 铜水箱(有镀层) 0.53 源于汽车水箱、换热器部件,带有焊接头和镀层 镀白紫铜 0.31 源于电子接插件厂家的加工余料 表 2 不同因素实验设计值
Table 2. experimental design values of different factors
Percentage of inclusions1 铜加工材 1200 0 2 铜米 1200 0 3 1号漆包线 1200 0 4 2号漆包线 1200 0 5 铜加工材 1200 0.5 6 铜加工材 900 1 7 铜加工材 1100 1 8 铜加工材 1200 1 9 铜加工材 1300 1 表 3 不同原料下PCDD/Fs浓度、PCDFs/PCDDs比值及毒性当量浓度
Table 3. PCDD/Fs concentration, PCDFs/PCDDs ratio and toxic equivalent quantity under different raw materials
参数Characteristics 原料Raw material 铜米
Copper particles铜加工材
Copper processed material1号漆包线
Low content enameled wire2号漆包线
High content enameled wirePCDDs/(ng·g−1) 0.18 0.56 1.74 8.26 PCDFs/(ng·g−1) 2.32 7.57 38.44 336.76 PCDFs/PCDDs 13.24 13.52 22.17 40.75 二噁英总浓度/(ng·g−1) 2.49 8.13 40.18 345.02 二噁英总毒性当量浓度/
(ng·g−1)TEQ0.055 0.060 0.293 3.055 表 4 不同温度下PCDD/Fs的总浓度、PCDFs/PCDDs浓度比及毒性当量浓度
Table 4. Total PCDD/Fs concentration, PCDFs/PCDDs concentration ratio and toxic equivalent quantity concentration at different temperatures
参数Characteristics 温度/℃ Temperature 900 1100 1200 1300 PCDDs/(ng·g−1) 0.21 0.17 0.07 0.29 PCDFs/(ng·g−1) 10.32 4.06 3.51 2.73 PCDFs/PCDDs 49.14 24.62 50.14 9.41 二噁英总浓度/(ng·g−1) 10.53 4.23 3.58 3.01 二噁英总毒性当量浓度/(ng·g−1)TEQ 0.083 0.025 0.019 0.024 表 5 不同比例夹杂物下PCDD/Fs的总浓度、PCDFs/PCDDs浓度比及毒性当量浓度
Table 5. Total PCDD/Fs concentration, PCDFs/PCDDs concentration ratio and toxigenic equivalent quantity concentration under different proportion of inclusions
参数Characteristics 夹杂物比例 Inclusion proportion 0 0.5% 1% PCDDs/(ng·g−1) 0.44 0.67 1.44 PCDFs/(ng·g−1) 6.58 10.66 13.63 PCDFs/PCDDs 14.95 15.91 9.46 二噁英总浓度/(ng·g−1) 7.02 11.33 15.07 二噁英总毒性当量浓度/(ng·g−1)TEQ 0.035 0.095 0.119 -
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