砷元素主要经地质活动等过程释放入大气、土壤和水体等介质,造成环境砷污染[1-3]。截止2012年,全球超过2亿人处于饮水型慢性高砷暴露[4],我国有近2000万人暴露砷超过WHO安全水平(10 μg·L−1)[5]。流行病学结果显示,人群通过摄食、饮水等途径长期暴露环境砷可导致皮肤癌、膀胱癌、肺癌等恶性疾病[6-7]。此外,砷暴露还会加速糖尿病、心血管疾病等慢性疾病的病程[8-9]。美国有毒物质和疾病登记署(ATSDR)在2011年优先风险物质清单上将砷列为头号公共健康威胁,国际癌症研究机构(IARC)也将砷化合物归为一类(Group 1)致癌物[7]。可见,砷污染引起了全球的环境健康危害。然而,砷暴露致毒/癌的确切分子机制目前仍不明确。
The regulation mechanism of the arsenical uptake
摘要: 流行病学结果显示慢性砷暴露可导致人群罹患皮肤癌、膀胱癌、肺癌等恶性疾病,但其致毒/癌机制尚不明确。目前关于砷暴露致毒/癌机理的讨论主要集中在砷的胞内作用途径,而较少关注砷摄入调控过程对其暴露致毒/癌的贡献。在生理条件下,部分砷化合物由于结构与磷酸根、葡萄糖、甘油等天然底物相近,可借由相应的载体被细胞摄入,摄入途径和效率存在显著的砷形态依赖性。此外,砷化合物的生物毒性效应与其赋存形态直接相关。可见,砷的摄入调控对于砷的暴露致毒/癌具有重要作用。本文主要综述了在哺乳动物体系中不同砷形态的摄入载体、载体调控及对应的砷摄入分布、效率和暴露毒性,在此基础上,强调了以往在砷致毒/癌机制研究中被忽视的砷摄入调控途径。然而,砷摄入调控过程中的诸多重要环节如砷胁迫下的摄入启动和调控机制等都是空白,需进一步系统深入地研究,为深入理解砷的致毒机制提供了新的视角和研究思路。Abstract: The epidemiological results demonstrate that chronic exposure to inorganic arsenic is closely associated with the malignant diseases of skin, bladder and lung cancer, however, the molecular toxicity mechanism has not been clarified. The related studies mainly focus on the interaction of arsenicals inside cells, while the transmembrane transport of arsenicals has been overlooked. Some arsenicals can enter into cells by the transporters specific for the natural substrates of phosphate, glucose and glycerol, because of their similar structure under the physiological conditions. Furthermore, the transport pathway and efficiency are significantly dependent on the arsenic species. Meanwhile, the toxic effects upon arsenic exposure vary a lot with different species. Thus, it is speculated that the regulation of arsenical uptake plays an important role in the toxicological/carcinogenic effects. Herein, we reviewed the transporters and their regulation signaling in mammalian system for transmembrane transport of different arsenic species. And the uptake efficiency, distribution, and resultant toxicity of arsenicals in terms of species has also been summarized. In this term, the uptake regulation of arsenicals has been emphasized in the research of the toxicological/carcinogenic mechanism upon arsenic exposure. Nevertheless, several key steps in the course of arsenic uptake, like the patterns for uptake initiation and regulation are scarcely studied, which deserve further investigation in detail. This review provides new insights into the toxicity mechanism for arsenic exposure.
Key words:
- arsenical /
- toxicity/carcinogenesis mechanism /
- cellular uptake /
- transporter /
- regulation signaling
表 1 典型砷形态的名称及结构
Table 1. Names and structures of typical arsenicals
Typical arsenicals结构及名称
Names and structures五价砷
Pentavalent arsenic三价砷
Trivalent arsenic注:表中标注*砷形态具有相近的生物毒性,其中iAsⅢ被列为一类(Group 1)致癌物.
*The arsenicals exhibit similar toxicity. Among them, iAsIII has been classified as the “carcinogenic to humans” (Group 1).表 2 砷化合物的摄入载体与载体蛋白的表达调控
Table 2. Transporters of typical arsenicals and related regulation signaling
Transporter category and name砷形态
Arsenic species载体蛋白调控通路
Regulation signaling载体蛋白调控方式
Regulation fashion磷酸盐转运蛋白 NaPi-Ⅱb iAsV[24-26] AQPs AQP3 iAsⅢ[10,30,32] EGF[47-49]、ERE[50]、AC、cAMP、
PPAR-γ、AMPK、Akt/PKB[55]mRNA、蛋白表达 PKC[54] 膜易位 AQP7 iAsIII[30] AC、cAMP、PPAR-γ、
AMPK、Akt/PKB[55]mRNA表达 AQP9 iAsⅢ[30,31,33]、MMAⅢ[38-39] MMAV[39]、DMAV[39] AMPK、Akt/PKB[56] mRNA表达 GLUTs
GLUT1MMAⅢ[40] 转录因子c-Myc[57]、SIX1[58] mRNA表达 PI3K/mTOR/Akt[59]、cAMP、
膜易位GLUT2、GLUT5 iAsⅢ[26] OATPs OATP1B1 iAsⅢ、iAsV[36] HNF-1α[64],HNF-3β[65] mRNA表达、
蛋白表达OATP2B1 iAsⅢ[26] PKC[63] 蛋白修饰 -
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