Cr(Ⅵ)作为水生态环境中重金属污染之一,在水中的阴离子主要有Cr2O72−、CrO42−和HCrO4−,其稳定性强,废水排放标准为Cr(Ⅵ)浓度低于0.5 mg·L−1。不同的氧化态中Cr(Ⅵ)毒性最高的,是一种被证实的诱变剂和致癌物[1]。相反,Cr(Ⅲ)毒性就小很多,在环境中迁移性较差,容易在水中沉淀。Cr(Ⅵ)的化合物为分析工作的主要标准物,在镀铬工业和制革工业中用作鞣剂,因此工业废水中含有大量高毒性的Cr(Ⅵ),严重污染水和土壤,影响人类的健康。Ghorab等[2]利用半导体TiO2来对Cr(Ⅵ)进行光催化还原,将Cr(Ⅵ)还原为Cr(Ⅲ)。人们还对多种催化剂和还原剂进行了研究,如Cu基超疏水性的针铁矿[3],Pd纳米粒子[4],微生物燃料电池的电解还原[5],Mn(Ⅱ)[6],Pd纳米粒子负载胺类功能化SiO2[7],MOFs诱导超细Ni纳米粒子等[8]。
Liquid-phase Catalytic Hydrogenation Reduction of Cr(Ⅵ) on im-Pd/Al2O3@C
Abstract:In this study, supported Pd catalysts on Al2O3 using carbon as overcoating (Pd/Al2O3@C) with three carbonization temperatures (400 ℃, 600 ℃ and 800 ℃ were prepared, and liquid phase catalytic reduction of Cr(Ⅵ) were systematically studied. For comparison, Pd/Al2O3 coated by SiO2 (Pd/Al2O3@SiO2) was also prepared. Characterization results showed that carbon overcoating could effectively protect Pd particles from leaching during catalyst cyclic runs. For liquid phase catalytic reduction of Cr(Ⅵ), negligible Cr(Ⅵ) conversion was observed on Pd/Al2O3@SiO2. In contrast, marked catalytic activities for Cr(Ⅵ) reduction were observed on Pd/Al2O3@C-400, Pd/Al2O3@C-600 and Pd/Al2O3@C-800. Additionally, the catalytic activity of Pd/Al2O3@C exhibited a volcano-type dependence on carbonization temperature. As for catalytic stability, Pd/Al2O3@C retained its initial activity in 5 catalyst cyclic runs without any deactivation, whereas Pd/Al2O3 lost its 77% activity after 5 runs, reflecting strikingly enhanced stability of Pd/Al2O3 upon carbon overcoating.
表 1 催化剂的特性
Table 1. The properties of the catalysts
Pd a/% wt. BET surface area b/(m2 g−1) im-Pd/Al2O3 0.78 109 im-Pd/Al2O3@C-400 0.37 71 im-Pd/Al2O3@C-600 0.48 176 im-Pd/Al2O3@C-800 0.52 182 im-Pd/Al2O3@SiO2 0.36 281 im-Pd/Al2O3 after use for 5 times 0.36 im-Pd/Al2O3@C-600 after use for 5 times 0.47 Note: a Determined by ICP; b Determined by low tempreture N2-sorption. -
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