永定河是京津冀区域重要的水源涵养区和生态屏障,更被誉为北京的“母亲河”. 永定河综合治理与生态修复工作自2017年启动以来, 通过大规模生态补水工程的实施,地下水回补效果明显,生物多样性持续增加,全年Ⅲ类水质及以上河长占到评价河长的67.4%,水质提升明显[1]. 然而永定河流域仍有近10%的河长为Ⅴ类水质,下游区域(永定河北京段)由于受官厅水库库区水质的影响,氟化物和COD指标超标现象频繁出现,超标率分别达到21.6%和38.8%[2]. 此外,近年来河流痕量新污染物的生态环境风险也引起广泛关注[3 − 4].
针对此类微污染河水的水质净化和提升,人工湿地因其工艺简单,建设价格低廉,除污效能优良,绿色环境友好等特点而被广泛应用[5 − 9]. 近年来,随着国家新污染物治理行动方案的提出,人工湿地用于新污染物的净化效果也被广泛研究[10 − 11]. 湿地基质作为人工湿地的重要组成部分,很大程度上决定了出水水质的好坏. 它一方面通过过滤、沉淀、吸附等方式直接去除污染物,另一方面它为植物和微生物的生长提供生存的介质,从而间接去除污染物[12]. 越来越多的学者发现,单一的湿地基质难以满足对水质各个指标的同时净化,而对人工湿地基质进行合理的组配可以有效地提高人工湿地的整体处理效果并减少运行成本[12 − 15]. 人工湿地的构建类型也是影响湿地净化水体的重要因素. 表面流人工湿地和水平潜流人工湿地往往受限于占地面积较大和受低温影响较大等原因,并不适用于北京等用地紧张的北方城市,垂直潜流人工湿地则因其污染物去除率高且出水水质稳定的特点被更多人认可[16 − 18].
课题组前期研究发现,建筑垃圾填料、铁碳填料和火山岩负载纳米氧化铝填料(简称“纳米填料”)在实际工程示范中均展示了较好的脱氮除磷效果. 基于此,本研究选取这3种新型的填料基质,以模拟永定河Ⅴ类水水体为处理对象,构建了垂直潜流人工湿地系统,比较了3种基质单一使用和组合使用时对COD、氨氮、总磷的净化效果,在此基础上,评估了组合填料湿地对氟化物和12种PPCPs(分别为双氯芬酸、酮洛芬、吉非罗齐、卡马西平、吲哚美辛、甲芬那酸、苯扎贝特、布洛芬、美托洛尔、普萘洛尔、咖啡因、对乙酰氨基酚)的净化效果. 进一步通过宏基因组学对不同实验组进行了微生物群落和功能基因的分析,以解释系统净化效果与微生物群落之间的关系. 研究结果将客观评估3种基质作为湿地填料的可行性,同时为修复北方敏感区域微污染河水提供方案对策和技术支撑.
Purification effect of three combined substrate vertical subsurface flow constructed wetlands on slightly polluted river water
摘要: 构建了建筑垃圾、铁碳和火山岩负载纳米氧化铝的3种组合基质填料的垂直潜流人工湿地,比较了组合填料湿地和单一填料湿地对模拟微污染河水中COD、氨氮和总磷的净化效果,进一步评估了组合填料湿地对氟化物和12种药品及个人护理用品(pharmaceuticals and personal care products,PPCPs)的降解效果. 结果显示,6个月的实验期内,在COD、氨氮和总磷进水浓度分别为30 mg·L−1、1.5 mg·L−1和0.5 mg·L−1时,组合填料湿地具有更全面的污染物净化能力,对COD、氨氮和总磷的平均去除率分别达到82.9%、86.6%、67.4%,出水均可达到地表Ⅲ类水质标准以上. 此外,组合填料湿地对氟化物的平均去除率为18.6%,对12种PPCPs的降解效果差异明显. 微生物群落的宏基因组学分析显示,变形菌门(Proteobacteria)均是不同填料湿地微生物系统里的优势菌门,而属水平下的种群丰度在各系统中有明显差异. 组合填料中除了优势菌种外,还发现了丰度较高的放线菌门(Actinobacteria),以及细杆菌属(Microbacterium)和噬氢菌属(Hydrogenophaga). 同时,氮代谢基因丰度和磷代谢基因丰度均在组合填料湿地中最高,表明组合填料湿地系统中具有更丰富的微生物群落环境,这也解释了该系统对不同污染物均有较好的净化效果的原因.Abstract: A vertical subsurface flow constructed wetland with construction waste, iron-carbon and volcanic rock loaded nano-alumina was constructed. The purification effects of the combined substrate wetland and the single substrate wetland on COD, ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus in simulated micro-polluted river water were compared, and the degradation effects of the combined substrate wetland on fluoride and 12 kinds of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) were further evaluated. The results indicated that during the 6 month experimental period, the combined substrate wetland exhibited comprehensive pollutant removal capabilities when the influent concentrations of COD, ammonia nitrogen, and total phosphorus were 30 mg·L−1, 1.5 mg·L−1, and 0.5 mg·L−1, respectively. The average removal efficiencies for COD, ammonia nitrogen, and total phosphorus were found to be 82.9%, 86.6%, and 67.4%, respectively. The effluent quality met or exceeded the Surface Water Quality Class Ⅲ standard. In addition, the average fluoride removal rate of the combined substrate wetland was 18.6%, and the degradation effect of the 12 kinds of PPCPs was significantly different. Metagenomic analysis of microbial communities has shown that Proteobacteria is the dominant phylum in different substrate wetland microbial systems, and the population abundance at the genus level is significantly different in each system. In addition to dominant bacteria, Actinobacteria, Microbacterium and Hydrogenophaga were found to be abundant in the combined substrate. At the same time, the abundance of nitrogen metabolism genes and phosphorus metabolism genes were the highest in the combined substrate wetland, indicating that the combined substrate wetland system has a richer microbial community environment, which also explains why the system has a better purification effect on different pollutants.
Key words:
- constructed wetland /
- Yongding river /
- combined substrate /
- metagenomics analysis
表 1 四种填料的物理指标
Table 1. Physical parameters of four substrates
Substrate type孔容积/(mL·g−1)
Pore volume孔隙率/%
Partical size沸石 0.052 10.23 6—12 建筑垃圾 0.155 28.20 8—16 火山岩负载纳米氧化铝 0.243 39.03 8—12 铁碳 0.228 47.02 15—25 -
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