Effect of nC60 colloids and phenanthrene on germination and seedling growth of rice
摘要: 随着碳纳米材料的快速发展与广泛应用,它将不可避免地进入环境.为了探讨碳纳米材料与环境有机污染物共存下的生态风险,研究了胶体富勒烯nC60与菲共存时对水稻发芽、生长和生理生化作用的影响.研究发现,nC60本身对水稻种子发芽率无显著影响,却能减弱菲对发芽率的抑制作用;nC60对水稻幼苗苗高表现出显著的抑制,但与菲共存时不会与之协同抑制苗高;nC60与菲对幼苗根伸长的作用与nC60浓度和游离态菲浓度有关.胶体nC60能显著激活水稻幼苗抗氧化系统酶,如超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT),但不会对幼苗造成显著的氧化损伤;与菲共存时甚至能显著地缓解菲对水稻幼苗造成的氧化伤害.因此,植物对碳纳米颗粒与有机污染物共存时的响应在很大程度上与它对单一物质暴露时的响应不同.Abstract: With the rapid development and the widely application of carbon nano-materials, they will inevitably enter our environment. In order to explore the ecological risk in the presence of both carbon nano-material and environmental organic pollutant, effect of nC60 colloids and phenanthrene on germination, seedling growth, physiological and biochemical functions of rice were examined. The results showed that nC60 itself didn't affect seeds germination, but could reduce the inhibition effect of phenanthrene; nC60 decreased the shoot length of rice seedlings, however it did not have a synergistic effect with phenanthrene. The influence of nC60 and phenanthrene on the root elongation was concerned with the concentrations of dissolved nC60 and phenanthrene. nC60 colloids could activate the antioxidase, such as superoxide dismutase(SOD), peroxidase(POD) and catalase(CAT). However it didn't cause significant oxidative damage to rice seedlings. Moreover, nC60 could dramatically compromise the oxidative damage caused by phenanthrene. Thus, plant responses in the presence of both carbon nanoparticles and organic pollutant differ from those of either pollutant significantly.
Key words:
- nC60 colloids /
- polyaromatic hydrocarbon /
- rice /
- antioxidase activity
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